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EvilMoukin last won the day on June 19 2022

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About EvilMoukin

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  1. OK, Felida, no problem, I understand. Thanks for your explications. 😊👍
  2. For information, using the TU 9, the message list the missed catalogs doesn't appear and the game fully works. I hope this tip can help people. 😊
  3. Thank you Felida for your answer, I understand you mean. However teses catalogs were free to download on market place, but not avaibles anymore. Could we not consider theses free catalogs as a shareables contents ?
  4. eco_funk, the download is avaible at the end of the first post. Enjoy ! 😊
  5. I wake up the topic, sorry 😅 I have the same problem, I can't find the mandatories catalogs : -Costume Catalog 04 -Costume Catalog 09 -Costume Catalog 11 -Costume Catalog 14 -Costume Catalog 17 -DOA5LR Costume Catalog 2 Ref. : https://teamninja-studio.com/doa5/lastround/uk/info_notice360.html Please someone can share theses ? In advance, thank you ! 😊
  6. Thanks Gennaro, I'll try it. 😀 Edit : And It works ! Thank you to all !
  7. Hello Felida, OK, I understand. Thanks for your answer! 😊
  8. Hello gamer! I use my Xbox360 with Aurora in an Astro City Cabinet (a great thanx to all you guy for this joy to play 👍) The main screen will show games, with a zoom on the first one (see picture). And stay like that until I choose a game. Logical. 😊 So I ask myself if a screen saver exist? Will start about 1 or 2 minutes and offer videos or screens? In advance, thank you for your answer. 😊
  9. Hello ! I've tried it and it's working perfectly ! Thank you felida !!! 👍 For the users, I'll edit my first post to put some photos of the skin working and your file. Thank you !!!
  10. Ho yes ! Thank you Felida ! This is my .xzp, and the information to write (it's easier to use copy / paste ): ---------------- Skin Name: AstrOS Author: Evil Moukin Creation Date: your date of helping Skin Revision: 2 Aurora Version: 0.7b Description: Astro Cityboot screen - Based on tne SteamOS skin by mrknorton. - Increased by Master Felida. ---------------- Thank you !! AstrOS_02.xzp
  11. Well, I worked by following the tutorial of Felida, and my loading screen is centered at the right size. So I build a version before modifying the skinmeta, and it works perfectly. I edited this same version by modifying the skin.meta, and it does not work. (does not even appear in Aurora's theme change list) So, I use my version without change of meta, but with my loading screen But I do not know why the edit step of meta does not work. Too bad, I would have shared my humble version of skin for the owners of Astro & xbox360 In any case, a big thank you to Felida for his help and his tutorial!
  12. ... well, I still have work ... My image is shifted to the right and down. It leaves a clearer part on the top and on the left. (Sorry for the poor quality of my photo) I'm going to study Felida's tutorial again.
  13. Hello Felida ! I had been careful to take the version of SteamOS (0.7b, found here : https://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/topic/4701-skin-aurora-steamos/), and by the way my first attempt with the wrong resolution worked. :) I'll try my new trial, with only the loading screen at good relolution, soon. I've watched your video, I use it to have a good result. Thank you for your info ! :)
  14. EDIT : The file is avaible to download at the end of this post. 😉 Hello ! I'm back for the final version of my skin and some screens of it ! So, It's a Auroa 0.7b.1 skin for a Xbox 360 in my Astro City Candy Cab. I've just change the boot screen of SteamOS skin (using Astro City logo), and the background main screen (using some video game logos) I want to credit mrknorton for the original SteamOS skin I've work from, and Felida who helped me change the meta screen. The visuals : Loading Screen. Screen used : Main Screen. Backgroud used : This skin for Aurora 0.7b.1 avaible at the bottom of this post. Enjoy ! ------------------- Below, the WIP ------------------- Hello ! Since I saw all the possibilities offered by Aurora and the tools put in available by the team, it made me want to contribute (modestly) to the group: I decided to make a small skin customization. To start with something simple, I decided to take my skin favorite (SteamOS, by mrknorton) and modify its loading image and its back main plan. My Xbox 360 being in an SEGA AstroCity cabinet, the theme was all found! So I started working on the background. I was looking for a neutral result, not too invsid, but we can guess the references to the video game: Then I worked on a loading image that could refer to the AstroCity. I made several proposals ... ... I even test an other font, but nothing really good ... ... I tested all that, and I realized that my loading image was not the right size (too small). So I redid the image that I liked most to the right size and edited a new skin meta ... and there, it does not work. Aurora does not want to load my skin. Well, as I changed 2 things at once, I will break down my progress by first testing with the loading image at the correct size, and once validated as working, I will do it again skinmeta. I'll let you know what happens next ! The file is avaible to download ! ⬇️ AstrOS_02.xzp
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