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enzoerbisti last won the day on January 17 2014

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About enzoerbisti

  • Rank
    RMS Sophmore
  • Birthday 11/10/1982

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  1. changing media id don't affect save data......if you want i give you the default.xex, i played with it and find players a longe time ago. (PM me)
  2. i don't think that's possible..... (maybe i wrong) but you can make a copy of the originals files and rename game.xex to default.xex. that's what i did. but if you do that no tu going to work and if you want to use you going to patch game.xex with the update using xextool. (sorry my english)
  3. A skin with Yu-gi-oh theme that my friend Jp ermeson (jentphina) made. it's in portuguese. EDIT: IT IS IN SPANISH. I CHECKED NOW ON MY XBOX. Preview: Download http://adf.ly/mJ69f PASSWORD ---> jentphina
  4. unfortunately they don't show on system link, only on live. to play with them on system link you need to use a trainer (create to do that and change camos only).
  5. Midnight L.A supports system link. it is on link.jqe360 already. :-) my friends played it some time. i never played Project gotham racing 3
  6. Update kernel like Irishdave said.
  7. fakelive as the name says, simulates that you are online on live. it is useful to play indie games (requires live confirmation - the indie game think you are on live and works). Also works to enable headset on system link of some games (like cod ghost). there is no real conection on live with fakelive i think. No online for gta V.
  8. No need fo update right now. wait xebuild and dashlaunch if you want to update....if it is necessary then it's come out soon or later.
  9. second option : get from someone with another cod default.xex and default_mp.xex. make a backup of the original files in your cod folder. change the files. now media id is changed....get the tu on pc (because fsd don't detect the you have changed the media id..and try to get the wrong tu, unless you remove it from the game library and readd it). now tu works...... my game is PTBR but i have media id 3cc5a411 (region free i think) and works fine. if you want i can give you my files, but don't know if i can post here....ask PM if you want. sorry my english.....i'm from Brazil.
  10. halo spartan works fine here......i'm on 16547, dashlaunch 3.11. fsd 3.0 rev 775
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