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Everything posted by QuattroGam3r

  1. Other than the Wikipedia page I don't know if you'll get much more info all in one place. Original xbox is going to be better to play most of them on, but I don't have too many issues running them off my external 2TB hdd. Framerate can be choppy on some, whereas the original xbox plays them fine, read the issues/glitches on the wiki for game specific issues. I think there are only a few games beyond the compat list, not sure what all they are, sorry. I do have DOA: Extreme beach Volleyball running outside that list though.
  2. QuattroGam3r


    Cool, Marvel is on a killing streak. Glad they got RR, he was freakin hilarious in Blade III.
  3. Nice to have options, but are you going to use this for your PS2? I use PS2 component cables, and then run GSM to set 480p/720p/1080i and even a 1080p version floating around out there. Only ran me $7.99.
  4. image is fine, even tried it in my sig. Something wrong with how your doing it. Just not sure what it is though. I don't know if there is a post count minimum for sigs, haven't heard of one here.
  5. Are you just pasting that in as plain text, or are you clicking the little polaroid icon and pasting the URL in? Cause you can see that i'm able to link the image just fine.
  6. try it without the img= and the brackets... http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/5f76/a4p5gb9epi1jo42zg.jpg
  7. Maybe it's mediafire, some sites do not link. Try another like photobucket etc. If you use Dropbox, just copy your public link and add ?raw=1 to the end of the line. edit: works fine, just right click your image and copy the link... you added http:// again after http:// and you copied the link from the URL bar which is different than the one they give if you right click. just paste in ... [img=http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/5f76/a4p5gb9epi1jo42zg.jpg]
  8. Since you already have a signature, I assume you want to know how to link a pic? To link from a URL, just click the icon that looks like a polaroid photo under the smily face, then paste the URL. Follow RMS guidelines for the image/sig. You can use lot's of different URL's, even Dropbox if you're crafty. Your signature may contain: Up to 1 images Images up to 500 x 150 pixels Up to 1 URLs Up to 3 lines
  9. True, that takes some of the sting out, but then people get stung again having to pay another $350 to get the Xbone to play it on, cause they waited till their favorite game came out to make the jump to current gen. Meh, I guess that's what xmas is for though, right. and i'm only speculating, but I imagine that mini fridge is an actual MINI fridge, seeing as the description says it will fit a 12 pack of your favorite beverage in there.... Quote from Ars Technica The description promises that the fridge can hold twelve 12 oz. drinks, but the exact dimensions are a bit unclear—the picture makes it look taller and thinner than most mini-fridges. The whole package fits inside a box that's half-a-meter on a side, according to Mighty Ape, which would make the slender fridge a decidedly "mini" way to store some tightly packed drink cans.
  10. No thank you, if I get raped it'll be because of what i'm wearing, not because I jumped on that bandwagon, lolz. Back on topic though, I would buy that fridge if it was like $60, but upwards of $200 is just a little too rich for my blood. Of course, this from a guy that spent +$200 on the original Steel Battalion game/controller for the OG xbox. Oh well, you live, you learn.
  11. It's a great idea, but when they started to market the content as additional content, it ruined the concept. "Hey, try our game/app, it's free, but anything past the first level you have to buy" WTFBBQ
  12. Yeah, there's a few cool things floating around out there, but I wish I could turn back time and assassinate the guy who thought digital content was a good idea, lmao. maybe I could pay a visit to the guy that invented waiting in line too. http://www.amazon.com/Gears-War-Amazon-com-Exclusive-Lancer-Xbox/dp/B001CLYL24
  13. ha, I thought the gold cartridge was only zelda... I only ever played that once, didn't get into it. But yeah, they'll market anything for a quick buck!
  14. BTW, I have only ever used cxboxtool for ripping original xbox games on the pc. I'm assuming this is an original xbox game, not a 360 game. I thought exiso was for 360 games... IDK. But if you do get a good rip on PC or xbox, then the next question is, do you have the backwards compatibility files installed??
  15. Or install a Demon/dual nand, but honestly, with live transitioning to Xbox One only in the next year or two anyways it wouldn't be a great investment.
  16. They also make good coasters for drinks... or ghetto ice skates for the kids... Seriously though, i've had disc's go bad before, after all they are polycarbonate (made from crude oil) and humidity and high temps can shorten their life. But they are supposed to last for decades.
  17. I remember reading about one when Hendo was running a kickstarter. $100 supporters got a 1 hour ride and $10,000 supporters got a hoverboard to keep. The commercial is misleading though (unless the tech has changed somehow) where you have to run it on a special surface too, not concrete like the vid clip here. Pretty cool though, I wonder if Lexus picked up the kickstarter from Hendo.
  18. AFAIK, it's only on newer (current) gen consoles and PC. Even the beta was only on those platforms.
  19. Haha, that explains it. I must have pulled it back out a while ago...
  20. Hmm, I see date added and last played... are you sure?
  21. Release date is in the content.db, but maybe not all games pull in the release date. You can always add the date in yourself if you feel comfortable, and the script will sort it after it has that info. I imagine it wouldn't be too hard to add release date to Aurora's GUI, but that is up to the dev's.
  22. sp193 has built a newer tool for installing FHDB to the hdd. I believe this replaces the winhiip part of the tutorial. More info in localh's thread at psx-scene. I installed using winhiip and hddrawcopy though, before sp193's tool was released, and it works great. Another useful bit of info, it's a good idea to check for extra power cycling of hdd on boot. If this happens just install fhdb again (and keep your original .cnf file) and it will go away. more info here
  23. we both have tu1, so that works
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