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Everything posted by drnefarious

  1. Is there any api for developers to use link? to use when a player connects etc
  2. Is there any api for developers to use link? to use when a player connects etc
  3. Nice work, MaesterRowen, gavin_darkglider, Felida and Mattie.
  4. I found the easter egg. The best easter egg its very funny.
  5. It would be great to integrate notifications
  6. I'll solve it as quickly as possible EDIT: Error Fixed. Thanks Nelliewilson
  7. this is a skin, isn´t a plugin http://lmgtfy.com/?q=como+instalar+skins+en+aurora
  8. that good. that I'm excited. I want to help in testing.
  9. it can translate hud link and pluging as you can in Aurora?
  10. I was tester link. I would like to be again tester
  11. Release 3.2: Fix Copying bar & Loading Games colour green Download V3.2
  12. a screenshot of the Guide button with Logged profile
  13. As would the guide button with the logged?
  14. v3 is for aurora 0.5B Release v3.1 Fix image filemanager and title updates Xbox one colors V3.1.xzp Title updates File manager
  15. Released version 3.1 Xbox one colors V3.1.xzp Screens Version 3.1 Loading alternative Aurora Main Options Quick Views Title updates File manager Update for Aurora 0.5B Actualizado para Aurora 0.5B google translate: Skin Base: SteamOs, Thanks Mrknorton. thanks for the translation Gromber
  16. Nice design, and great job, congratulations. that happiness. For any help on the test. I want to participate
  17. does not save changes to files hud scene
  18. up. the app XuiWorkshop not saved the changes on files xur
  19. Fonzito yo tengo un proyecto en construccion una pagina web para poder hacer campeonatos. http://ns-4.bplaced.net/ echale un vistazo
  20. La edicion del pluging de freestyle a sido muy laborioso, se ha tenido que desencriptar el pluging, editarlo con hexadecimal con mucho mimo y volver a encriptarlo, y probarlo, cada vez que se probaba, se tenia que desencriptar y encriptar, vamos una locura.
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