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ValteMCPE last won the day on March 16 2023

ValteMCPE had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

2 Neutral

About ValteMCPE

  • Rank
    RMS Freshman

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  1. Hello gualdimar, can you put the aurora crash patcher plugin natively in freestyle? like the aurora? You are not active since may 18 

  2. FabricioMG should be hired by the aurora team! to come the PT BR translation officially integrated! Would be good!
  3. can you approve this cover of Deadpool brazilian version for Xbox unity? I tried to post and it didn't work for a long time...

    34 Sem Título_20220523131152.png

    1. felida


      I dont see it awaiting approval mate

    2. ValteMCPE
    3. ValteMCPE


      Felida you don't need to check it has already been approved but there were a few repeated per attempt!

  4. You can add this cover? I tried to post on unity and it didn't show up can you approve?
  5. I couldn't post the Deadpool game cover! can you approve?😅 Is my Brazilian version the cover.

    34 Sem Título_20220523131152.png

    1. salah.rgh2


      Jpizzle...hasn't been here since 2019.

    2. ValteMCPE
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