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Gualdimar last won the day on April 11 2021

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71 Excellent

About Gualdimar

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    RMS Freshman

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  1. Hello gualdimar, can you put the aurora crash patcher plugin natively in freestyle? like the aurora? You are not active since may 18 

  2. from 2.0.8 to 2.1.1b https://mega.nz/folder/cFtGARzY#AotFxCPgfdAMt98nzxksyA
  3. here is pcsxr 2.1.1b patched xex file with old osdmenu combo(back+start) default.xex
  4. rileyil77, check the original script once again. there are two types of queries: by titleid and by name. if the game has tilteid, fsd will get covers with it: if($_GET['query'] == "TitleID") if there is no titleid, fsd will try to get covers with the game`s name: elseif($_GET['query'] == "SearchTerm") no loops, just conditions yes, some parts of the code are repeated and it can be rewritten with functions, buuuuut i don`t have inspiration to do this
  5. q.php is for push to xbox function. but fsd has this old bug: it downloads pushed cover, but doesn`t apply it. And i can`t fix this wothout fsd sources. mainlink="http://mylanserverip/xbox360/covers/07398CDC" - this link should point to the full(front and back) cover, named Cover.png front="http://mylanserverip/xbox360/covers/07398CDC" - this link should point to the front, named Cover.png you can check links for GTA5 from my example for better understanding. your file tree should look like this: /mylanserverip/xbox360/cover.php - php script /mylanserverip/xbox360/covers/ - folder with xml files /mylanserverip/xbox360/covers/07398CDC - xml file for titelid 07398CDC this can happen if cover has wrong format or size
  6. rileyil77, you need to create a folder named covers in the direcoty with cover.php example: for GTA5 cover you should create a file named 545408A7 with a proper xml answer for fsd: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <covers><title id="545408A7" name="GTA V" mediaid="" filename="Cover.png" type="" mainlink="http://XboxUnity.net/api/boxart/5679" front="http://XboxUnity.net/api/boxartfront/5679" Official="1"/></covers> and the first 25 lines of cover.php should look like this:
  7. everything is up and running. Look for issues on your side. *UPDATE* starting from August the 16th IP Address will be changed, so everyone needs to redownload xex from the first post
  8. dizazter's hosting is unreachable at the moment. just wait and hope for the best or host by yourself
  9. this happend because fsd uses unique ids to identify devices and if device isn`t connected all games from this device hide. and as i know aurora works the same way. you can fix this by deleting database files(if you don`t mind loosing your settings in fsd) or cleaning db manually and here is full guide and how to update you dash http://forum.homebrew-connection.org/index.php?topic=144.0
  10. decided to update dash on my xbox today and discovered that xeBuild GUI doesn`t support 17511 dashboard. so i updated tool by myself. i`ll provide no support for this, as all i did was updating xebuild with dashlauch and adding download links for 17511 files. xeBuild_GUI_2.099.rar
  11. https://github.com/Gualdimar/fsd4ever/blob/master/README.md
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