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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/14 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?&v=jMWXpp0V2is YOUTUBE TUTORIAL VIDEO MIGRATE FROM FSD2 TO F3 - IMPORTANT FILES 32/64bit Manuals Changelog Infos Known bugs Access 2010 VERSION GaDaBaMa32.rar Access 2013 VERSION GaDaBaMa_3.2_A2013.rar
  2. 1 point
    This is my new skin "Crysis" for Aurora! Have fun ***NEWS*** -Fixs bugs "more"(altro) in details; -New setting's icons and buttons; -New select path in settings; -New hexagon fond when open menu and add an animation:hexagon come to life (thanks to Max7o); -Add mask to background so you can change background without loosing crysis atmosphere and you can apply animation with a great effect(look at image below:view's menu). -Fix path menu when select new\modify path. ***NEW DOWNLOAD - Crysis (Aurora 0.4b)*** Crysis_MatteIta_Aurora0.4b_Fix.rar SCREENSHOTS Crysis3_MatteIta.rar Crysis_MatteIta_Aurora_0.4b.rar
  3. 1 point
    Did AC4 work this time around? if so; it's probably because i removed the bad covers... i did so on these 2 aswell, not sure which one was which... (the backend just show all covers, no numbers for order) Anyways, try pushing again now for these games, let me know the results, if it's still beeing mangled, let me know and i'll test on my box
  4. 1 point
    Hello How can i play multiplayer with cracked the game Battlefield 4 or any other game without xbox live? Thank you for reading. I apologize for any errors in the text, I did it through google translator.
  5. 1 point
    On Xbox live? Yes its possible but then you will NEED to get a xbls (Xbox Live Stealth) They are really expensive though so i wouldn't recommend to play on xbox live, the K will be banned after a while if you do aswell.
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