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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/14 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Do i look like some evil f*ck?If i really wanted to it would be easy to mess with xblse/xblh users... like erasing the nand if any of my tools detect their plugins for instance, takes 3 seconds or less and their console requires specialist help... That said, i am not going to do such a thing, coz that's not who i am, i could do alot of damage very easily, we all can... but, we don't because that's not how we roll
  2. 1 point
    Not sure if it's appropriate to post this here, however, I put together a little boot animation with some art resources that Mattie was kind enough to send my direction. Hope you enjoy it! http://www.mediafire.com/watch/4q21n9ppxccrl1c/Aurora.wmv Here is a link to the video on youtube:
  3. 1 point
    Simple Skin Hi guys, i just finished preview version of my skin ( remaked se7ensins.com theme). Its something like IOS7 styled skin. I just wanted to try something on my own and i think its good enough to share with you. Hope you like it, here are some screenshots: more screens: http://postimg.org/gallery/2tgab4n2/ Skin have some wallpapers in it, but nothing big.. It is really preview version, it have some things to fix like oppacity of some menus and stuff... PSKIN.xzp
  4. 1 point
    Before you ask for a feature to be added, please check this thread for if it's been requested already, if the answer is "No, we won't add it" it's for a reason, and you need to respect this decision. Requests like "Add this feature from F3" will most likely be ignored/denied, so don't bother asking such things! To make it easier to spot your thread, please add [Aurora] at the start of your thread title ** List of Pending requests: ** - Request: I want ConnectX support Details - Answer: It's on the list of possible future features... - Request: LB/RB To switch game views (filters) Details - Answer: Something similar to this is on the way... - Request: Custom Synopsis Details - Answer: ** No answer yet ** - Request: Send PM's from the HUD Details - Answer: ** No answer yet** - Request: Limitation for the number of games listed in the games view Details - Answer: ** No answer yet** - Request: Filemanager Details - Answer: We're working on it... - Request: Delete empty folders when deleting games in the database Details - Answer: ** No answer yet** - Request: Show HDD space somewhere in the UI Details - Answer: ** No answer yet** - Request: Transfer speeds for FTP Details - Answer: ** No answer yet** - Request: Add a simple/quick menu or something for switching filters quickly/easily Details - Answer: We're working on it... - Request: Game language selection menu Details - Answer: ** No answer yet ** - Request: Messaging capabilities and user count Details - Answer: ** No answer yet ** - Request: Show full path and TitleID in the Details menu Details - Answer: It's part of the Subtitles... check that out - Request: Filetransfers while a game is running Details - Answer: It's called FTPDLL and is a dashlaunch plugin - Request: WebUI - Custom XEX launching Details - Answer: ** No answer yet ** - Request: WebUI - Covers editing Details - Answer: This will probably be added in due time, beeing able to replace covers atleast... (is it not already possible?) (Swizzy) - Request: WebUI - Dashlaunch settings display/management Details - Answer: ** No answer yet ** - Request: WebUI - 30 second video Details - Answer: This probably will not be comming, as it'd require constant memory storage for 30-second video... which would be quite alot, after all you are sharing the memory with the games! - Request: Per-Game Fakelive on/off Details - Answer: Good idea, added to the bottom of the list of things that could possibly be added... - Request: Hide gameinfo screen at the push of a button Details - Answer: ** No answer yet ** - Request: Trainers Details - Answer: We're working on it... - Request: Built in cheatengine Details - Answer: Read the answer for Trainers, as a Cheatengine is basically the same as the previous request (Trainers) - Request: Turn LiNK into something closer to Xbox LiVE (messaging, login notification etc.) Details - Answer: ** no answer yet ** - Request: Background downloads Details - Answer: ** No Answer yet ** - Request: Quick Launch for the last played game Details - Answer: ** No answer yet ** - Request: Kinect Detection - For filters Details - Answer: Good idea, will be working on it in some form... - Request: Add support for 4:3 Aspect ratio and the ability to set the screen vertically Details - Answer: ** No answer yet ** - Request: Add remote controls using WebUI (Launch Game, Reboot console etc.) Details - Answer: ** No answer yet ** - Request: TU Available for games in the database Details - Answer: ** no answer yet ** - Request: Option to choose default language Details - Answer: ** no answer yet ** - Request: Option to choose locale from different ppl Details - Answer: ** no answer yet ** - Request: Auto download TU for DLC Details - Answer: Good idea... ** This list will be filled with requests as they come... **
  5. 1 point
    To do it i'd have to learn how it communicates it's things... can you make a USB Protocol dump? Once it has been implemented YOU have to be the tester as i don't have the controller in question, unless of course you send me one xD
  6. 1 point
    I use Xbox Neighborhood to transfer games while I'm playing.
  7. 1 point
    How about you read the readme before using software?? It's on at ALL times...
  8. 1 point
    There is FTPDLL for Dashlaunch which runs in the background at all times... it doesn't use the default port (21) and it doesn't offer much flexibility (i don't think it offers any settings at all?) and it's not running at 100% speed, but it runs at all times, even while playing games...
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    Looks Really cool. Well i would love to see this Animation while Aurora is loading. Would look more fresh and modern. Don't want to deal with Fakeanim right now.
  13. 1 point
    Dashlaunch 3.12 doesn't support 16756, maybe someone made a patched version which does? idk... but... there is a new version of dashlaunch comming soon along with a new version of xeBuild (and the GUI)
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