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Everything posted by XxELBOSSxX

  1. So I can not see what the new update brings until it's liberated?
  2. Where can I see the new features of Aurora 0.7b ??
  3. Whit what version of Aurora Link V2 will getout?
  4. I look forward to the release of aurora 0.7b
  5. I thought it was the last .7b and then it would come out Nova ?
  6. Will it be like the first test of Nova? or not yet?
  7. In that update will there be something to minimize the hackers? What I would do to eliminate hackers would be to delete the title update 18 and leave until the TU14, why ?? In her you can not use hacks
  8. I just wanted to help but you're right I do not know anything about porgramcion, I thought I could help them in porbar some update or something similar, How will it not be similar? Will it be worse or better? To what was announced
  9. Something I can help ??To speed up this process a bit very bit, i know
  10. @felida I do not understand your answer, please write it easy to understand No entiendo el inglés uso Google translate
  11. Could you install youtube as well as did Netflix someday ?? I'm sorry if my question is stupid!:D
  12. That is excellent, but most remain in the public room because they do not listen to you or do not understand you or something, although it would also be a problem for good players or clans for example AZTEK or ALV, Everyone says that we use hacks but the truth, is completely false Whenever someone says something similar what we do is challenge the TU that they want and do not accept, why? Because they know that everything they speak is false
  13. In a room created there is a leader, if the leader has blocked a hacker directly don't appears the room I did not understand you very well because I do not know English, I hope I answered well?
  14. The room you create without password the is private because they allow you to take out whoever you want for one hour
  15. You can create your room without pass ? not every private room has to have pass?
  16. There must be some way to eliminate the hacks I would say one way would be to remove public rooms and only private use to be able to kick hackers Or one more complicated thing that would be that each host could give kicks not of the room publishes only of his game No sé inglés use Google translate ?
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