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Stoyan K

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Stoyan K last won the day on January 14 2017

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About Stoyan K

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    RMS Freshman

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  1. That's true, my friend. Not everyone listen and understand the situation, but I can't do more. At least there are enough people, who follow me, because they know that I always try to keep my games clear of hackers and with good settings like - enough time, good maps and good game modes ( not for everybody ofcourse ), with default 10 slots for class, and without class restrictions . : )
  2. My tactic - ending the game ASAP, when I see a hacker, then telling the guys via microphone why I ended it and then tell them to join my game in another room. If the hacker comes again, i say that I will do a private room, where I can kick him. : )
  3. Now I have a microphone too, so everybody can hear a bit of my beatbox skills. : D. And ofcourse now all the people will know why I end the game and will tell them who is the hacker boy in the room. : )
  4. Its a rare situation. Best thing to do with hackers for now is making own room ( no password one ) and just to kick who you want. And ofcourse hoping, that Link will not timeout and to not be the "king" of the room anymore. : ) Worst scenario is when people don't understand why you end the game and they don't see that you make a new room and continue to stay in a public one and you stay alone in your own room. Then maybe a microphone is a good idea... : )
  5. Because in your situation, your ISP obviously allow port forwarding and your telephone app can only forward/open the ports on a local level. But as Swizzy said, if the ISP modems/ruters etc. are blocking the ports, you can't do anything ( maybe only calling your ISP to open some ports for you). ; )
  6. Oh, I forgot , that this can be seen there. And yes - it is pretty much what I need and yes - it is really two clicks. Thanks for pointing this out . : )
  7. Please, don't sorry, everything is more than enough and thank you !
  8. Is it possible to have it, like how we could see it in FSD? It is not so important for me, because I already apreciate all the things and the hard work, you did for our RGH/JTAG xbox-es, but maybe it would be a nice script addition too. : )
  9. Thank you! Phew, i was so worried it was something worse! : )
  10. I have this on the picture - coolrunner REV D, with the label CORONA on it, flashed with jasper timing files. But If it starts xell every single time, from the first glich signal, I don't think point B is needed for my setup.. ?
  11. I found that it is the point B on the CR, when I solder this point on the CR, the green light on the console don't turn on. With the others it boots. My connection to the motherboard is good on point B. Hmm... what could be... May be to inspect the CR traces from this point? EDIT: Oh my...it glich to Xell first time without Point B connected??? Haha, what I need point B for? : D EDIT2: http://team-xecuter.com/forums/threads/98645-RGH1-Jasper-BB-512-Booting-without-STBY_CLK-Connected , same thing with me, same chip, is it somehow prepared for CORONA and not need of STBY_CLK ? If it is, i am so happy and thank you again !!
  12. Thank you, I will check the CR very closely now. It can be a bad flash to CR, you said? ( I hope the second one, because i can try much more things with the flasing ). Interesting thing is that if i start the consle with CR installed - no boot ( no green light on xbox ), but if I disconect the power supply in this moment and then connect it again, console shows green light. Nothing loads and CR not trying to glitch ( green light on CR off , but red on ).
  13. Thank you so much for the information ! Now i need help again. Everything is set up for RGH 1, the coolrunner chip is programmed for jasper. But when i connect it to the board - there is the only bright red light on the coolrunner. But when i start the console, nothing happens. No green light on the console. Console works fine without the coorunner and with stock nand. Also it starts ( green light on the console ) with 3v3 line out of the coolrunner ( ofcourse it loads nothing ). The hacked .Ecc is ofcourse flashed with nandpro and +w64 command. What the problem could be? I will try RGH 1.2 next, to see if this will change something ( with Glich 2 .ecc ).
  14. It is already banned, i will try RGH 1 again, first, which is compatible with 13..... dashboard. : )
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