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Everything posted by m0j0j0_j0

  1. So he took the existing files and patched for 128mb? but it hasn't been confirmed to work? why is 2018 in the title?
  2. m0j0j0_j0

    Xenon 360

    Why would you buy that for a xenon..... Also it is been shown that single heat sinks for cpu/gpu are inefficient and have been known to cause warp-age in the boards.
  3. Great leak! Glad this came out and is now saving people from the uped prices of the DGX sure is going to save me a pretty penny.
  4. Ps3 just keeps on trucking, good job catching up with the 360 scene
  5. Dashlaunch I believe has a sample plugin. You will need to know how to program in C and legally obtain the xbox SDK
  6. I know a couple of people who have made their own but there are issues with the SMC and resetting the the lights. There are a couple of files people have made for just changing the boot animation lights.
  7. A wild RGLoader dev appears I would suggest you get giddy about our upcoming release as there will be a lot of improvements as well as more bells and whistles Join us in IRC. But besides that, with rgloader.ini you can change which dash boots - aka F3, XexMenu, Xshell, etc.
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