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About Petka12345

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    RMS Freshman

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  1. SMB root fast share 360 in explorer windows for shortcut via desktop, for modding -test resources very good solution, you can edit - mod file for test not even copying the resource on the PC, open with HEX, mod like flags and save, and start executable on 360. Root shared like DISK on PC via LAN no ftp.. No freeze check size etc like via ftp... fast for working. SMB speed on FSD 11.3 mb/s copy < > ! I have been working for several years on SMB in FSD3 and have not found the best solution yet. Xbdm plug share root good on all time, but copy very long. (and it looks like there is verification after the end of copying) speed slowly on big files. Minus - Not editiong file in real time, need copy on pc and back moding on console... Yes, i now, about the problem with different sizes and copying over the source in SMB. But this is the only one + that FSD has before the Aurora personally for me. SMB acces need for moding test resources, So far, we have to constantly work in the FSD2-3 and jump to aurora... Saved in aurora ConnectX (mod file on PC and fast run on 360) but some games very slow loading, or not working... What is also not happy For ordinary users, this plug-in not needed. They have enough FTP access etc Sorry for eng if so... this is my story)
  2. I Hope SMB plugin will be added in this Release, for speed working with files nothing more is require. xbdm plug "not counting" neigborhood works slowly "and there are pitfalls with him"
  3. Hi You can add 2 games to LInk, need to test the game, we up LAN protocol lit up and untied these games from Live) Doom 3 BFG and Rage Doom 3 BFG -Title id 425307F1 - Only Classic Multiplayer Rage - Title Id 425307EC - Have Multiplayer Race and Co-op company Available previously on a split screen ans so-lo I add in Syslink.dat id Rage but need you support. I send req in Xbox guide) Pruf Screenshoot i enclose
  4. Hi The question, can be unload the list of games from the database received by the program to txt or xml etc...?
  5. Hmm, im work with SMB plug in fsd 3, moding many games files, good work, did not notice broken files. The main feature is quick access to drive. Quick mod - copy and play. There is certainly an alternative, through XBDM and Neighborhood, but its slow and check CRC... And not acces to view - mod file, need copy to pc and view in hex e.t.c... Sorry for eng if so.
  6. Think about add SMB Server in Aurora Plug, it's a good feature implemented in FSD.
  7. Need Help It is necessary will change a path to launch xex (Web Ui) Edit Executable line in Data Base but no save changes. ((( Borderlands 2default.xex need Borderlands 2TRdll.xex This need a start game with mod xex for Translate game how fix that ???? any Update coming to FSD ? P.S "It is possible to edit certainly content.db through HEX but it is inconvenient and not to everyone is this ((" P.S " Mod xex has no Title Id and Media id (For technical reasons) Scan doesn't find it " Sorry for my Eng )
  8. Look Nice ! Congratulations !
  9. Not working Call Of Duty 4 with DL 3.06 If you unload the DL that works!
  10. Petka12345

    F3Link Help me

    Fix This Problem Plzz
  11. And when the server work coming?? 10 hours is not really plow LInk & JQE360 ? Sorry for eng
  12. :)That Good Well, the main feature that the phone (if the router Wi-Fi) connect it to the Go to IP Box will be the game include (to change the game while playing with the phone + I think that to implement the Link view rooms May be CHat IT e) Well, the screenshots of the phone to do from the framebuffer without pc personal identity) Sounded like the right idea Sorry for my eng
  13. Most Epic for Moders ! Memory Control & Thread EPIC!!!! 1 Question On Video "Console Jasper DevKit" All options will be on Freeboot without xbdm?? Just xbdm hang on some games (BF3, NFS RUN,) ??? Waiting SORRY FOR MY Eng
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