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Everything posted by QuattroGam3r

  1. Just got a chance to try this out yesterday. Works great, I was able to put banners and backgrounds on all my original xbox games (I had already edited the db to include synopsis). The only things I noticed were that there seems to be a timeout that happens if you leave the app for a while or when you first start it. By that, I mean that I have to click get all assets twice, the first click fails. The other thing I noticed is that it's kind of a pain to have to type in all the TitleID and the DatabaseID when saving assets to FTP. Those are by no means show stoppers, as the application works just fine, it's just something I noticed that slowed down the workflow. Thank you all for your work on this app, it amazes me what you can do.
  2. Thanks to all RMS for having such a great community, and to team Phoenix for making Aurora increasingly better with every release. outstanding work everyone. Thanks to begal too for offering such a cool donation.
  3. I'd just as soon see these threads deleted, but understand if there's a reason to show people that the ban hammer is real.
  4. Yeah, saw that. Great tutorial! Had trouble seeing what you were typing in the cmd prompt, so that's why I figured it might be easier to to export binary. I'm still learning everyday, so videos like these are GOLD for me, lolz
  5. I understand those green frame boxes better now. Pretty slick to see in action like that. Watched your other video just before this (newer one I think) and it said to delete the xui before packaging. I thought if you extracted first then exported binary you didn't get a xui, only the xur. Anyways, thanks for sharing love learning how to tweak things to my liking.
  6. I hear that, sometimes you just need to abbreviate, lolz. Sure is a nice looking skin though. Thanks for sharing it with us.
  7. Beautiful skin, great job! Only problem I noticed was some titles get cut off if the name is too long. Example Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is cut of at the end and only shows "Ground Zer". Theres plenty of space for more text though.
  8. Spoiler alert!!! just added it last night, going to watch tonight.
  9. Thank you both for your time and patience on this, it's much appreciated.
  10. Thank you Swizzy. I thought UserFilters but couldn't figure why it wasn't showing. So after a restart the script does work to isolate Assassin's Creed Games, but I can't see the use of pursuing it if it's going to sort them in front of all other games. They're fun, but they don't deserve top sorting order. The whole idea was to get them to sort inside their own set but keep the set in the correct order as far as A-Z.
  11. Ok, that helps clear that up. I wasn't sure if it was possible to do it all in one script. If I understand you correctly, the script you're offering to help with would put the series (Assassin's Creed) at the beginning, i.e. between A & Z instead of where it would normally be i.e. between Ar & At. I don't think that will work and i'd hate to put you out to work on it if I can't use it.Thanks gavin, i'll try it out now Named the script AssassinCreed.lua and tried it in every folder under Aurora/Media/Scripts following a restart, could't get it to show up under any category. Maybe i'm doing something wrong gavin?
  12. Thanks for taking a look at it gavin, you definitely get the gist of it. The problem is that what i'd like to do is make it customized for a series or set. Somehow it would have to filter for a specific title instead of all games. I don't even think it's possible because that would remove all other games except for the filtered title. It's a little over my head anyway, that's why I put it in the suggestions and requests section, I'm not any good at lua. I'll keep trying though.
  13. So I was looking through my games the other day and noticed that all of my Assassin's Creed games are in whatever order they are named. Obviously thats the way Aurora is intended to work, but I thought What if we could sort series collections by release date. The release date is already being pulled from xbox.com, maybe not for older Classic games or home-brew, but for 360 games. I'm not sure how to even begin something like this, but seems that a lua filter would have to be made custom for each series. My thought is that it would have to retain the original game title to keep it's place in the overall sort order, but then drop anything after the title and replace with release date. Just some musings here, but it would be nice to have the ability to sort these games a little better. Any thoughts?
  14. Thanks again for the advice, working fine now. Changed VM from NAT to Bridged and it connect right away. I appreciate the help.
  15. Thanks for the advice, unfortunately I tried the import from console option with no change. Aurora plugin makes connection fine, but no change in status of the app. Still says Status UDP Listener Active! instead of Xbox Connection Established like your screenshot above. Not a big deal, just wanted to play around with it. If it's any help here's the exception... http://pastebin.com/NwyxZQje edit: OK, so looking into it further I think the problem might be that it's built on .NET framework 4.0 and I run 4.5. Just a quick google tells me "The .NET Framework 4.5 and its point releases are backward-compatible with apps that were built with earlier versions of the .NET Framework. In other words, apps and components built with previous versions will work without modification on the .NET Framework 4.5. However, by default, apps run on the version of the common language runtime for which they were developed, so you may have to provide a configuration file to enable your app to run on the .NET Framework 4.5" So just a stab in the dark that I have some issue with backward compatibility. IDK
  16. Can't get it to run on my Win7 virtual machine. It connects and pops up in Aurora, but the status on the Windows app just says "UDP Listener Active!". When I try to change any settings it throws an unhanded exception error, "object reference not set to an instance of an object". I guess if wifi was iffy then running NAT through a VM is even worse. Darn, wanted to mess around with it too.
  17. Great job! I love the new Quick View, really makes it easy to sort out games. I sent a small donation for my appreciation, keep up the good work Team Phoenix
  18. Understandable, thanks for the info Swizzy. @gavin_darkglider, I had never done any family settings before, so wasn't even aware of the possibility of setting that up. Thanks for letting me know, I think it will help... That or just hiding the few titles that I deem unsuitable for them.
  19. I have nieces and nephews that come to visit and it would be nice to be able to filter the games so they do not have access to mature or adult rated titles. I don't know how difficult it would be to make something like this considering there are different rating systems around the world, i.e. ESRB etc. But it sure would be nice to be able to lock out that content from there eyes. I tried the family genre, but only two titles even appear, and there are many more titles rated Everyone. Anyway, just a thought.
  20. Thank you daadeguzman, solved the issue I was having with Steel Battalion HA.
  21. Dead Space 3 - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/70301181/DeadSpace3.xex Halo CE Anniversary - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/70301181/HaloAnniversary.xex Mass Effect 3 - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/70301181/11A3E054F2D71A6D6CB9 Skyrim - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/70301181/Skyrim.xex Ghost Recon Future Soldier - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/70301181/EB12A67FA4C6854DE745 Splinter Cell Blacklist - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/70301181/SplinterCellBlacklist.xex Mass Effect 3 is disk 1 of 2 and Dead Space 3 is a merged multidisk game, so if those don't jive there may be more to it. BTW, Thanks for taking the time to look at these issues.
  22. Yeah, that fixed it. Thanks for taking a look at it. Since you already have it out though. Maybe you can see if there is any reason why only Ghost Recon Future Soldier shows as Kinect. I actually have 6 games that qualify as "Better with Kinect": Dead Space 3 Halo CE Anniversary Mass Effect 3 Skyrim Ghost Recon Future Soldier Splinter Cell Blacklist I've since gone ahead and modified the ContentFlags to 9 on the other five, but they were missed on the initial scan. No biggie, just thought i'd mention it.
  23. Gotcha. MW3: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/70301181/05BD7797B9F7170E3157F8A630775D59 Crysis 3: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/70301181/F2A4DDDBAF4F10018AF947BC23955AA4 edit: yes, they were copied from my retail side as downloaded games, and placed in my GOD folder. Could explain why they weren't registered properly
  24. Crap! MW3 alone shows 8.16GB, not sure I can help you there unless you can give me a viable alternative for uploading it. I don't have that much room in my dropbox
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