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Everything posted by Be4stElectrjc

  1. Compatibility Pack with nuketown fix method.
  2. You need TU 1, that i uploaded on Unity and compatibility pack fixed with the same method of nuketown fix. I am on RGH.
  3. Using Google. We can't talk of warez here.
  4. For now we all waiting compatibility pack... Just wait a hour to see how many people will invade the rooms
  5. Just uploaded Title Update 1 on Unity. Do you need a screenshot of the game? Do you prefer wait the 6th to add it on Link? Thanks.
  6. On the PS3 yes, even here of course, basically because Is the same version. But i can't do nothing without title update, neither surf the menu.
  7. Yes i have it, but it needs an update to play. I have RGH and i can't access to xbox live, i'm waiting...
  8. Title ID: 4156091D Media ID: 33B8D0AD Call.Of.Duty.Black.Ops.III.XBOX360-iMARS
  9. Call.Of.Duty.Black.Ops.III.XBOX360-iMARS...
  10. These days i think. The xbox 360 is dead after Black Ops 3 and Tomb Raider. Even now really, just look the past years. A week before the release CODs were leaked. The attention is all on Next-Gen consoles.
  11. Question of time. A guy posted these photos.
  12. Not a trace. https://fbcdn-photos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xta1/v/t1.0-0/p180x540/12189852_1180459128635295_1264841961071841219_n.jpg?oh=1ab54524f2ff8754abf147f3e6f58ecd&oe=56FAA2EF&__gda__=1454704016_ccd1838450a369a67ffea59db521450e
  13. The PS3 version is from PSN, that's the problem. Not a trace of Xbox 360 And PS3 Black Ops 3 physical copies.
  14. I have tried PS3 version and there's "find lan game" even there, both inside multiplayer and zombies.
  15. Already out for PS3, just a question of time. Google is your friend.
  16. It was a question of time... Now it works.
  17. It's strange, i pass the test, see other players, they can join the session of mine but i can't join their sessions. With DMZ i can play without problems...
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