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How to create Minecraft Texturepacks with latest Tu for RGH

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Minecraft Texture mods with latest Tu19

since i had many problems doing this, and i saw many people wanting this, i decided to make a tutorial. First of all, there are a lot of Tutorials around on the Internet but they seem all outdatet because everyone is talking about modding the game which isn't working properply with the new Tu.
Note i don't have testet this on retrail Consoles only on Jtag/RGH.

The first Texturepack i portet is Crafteryada.

This is not 100% complete, i skip some Blocks and don't editet Icons jet. There are not all edited Blocks shown on the Screen I'll post the updated Version if I'm finished.

Download modded Minecraft version here: (http://uploaded.net/file/utpul5gh)
just extract, copy to usb and launch default.xex. Select natural texturepack and have fun.

You'll need original "Natural" Texturepack for work. I don't know how to make this an standalone texturepack dlc.

Things you'll need:

1. Minecraft (you can get the Trial on Digiex.net)
2. Latest Title update (Xbox Unity)
3. BMS Unpacker (http://ul.to/az7p2s5k)
4. Mincraft reimporter (http://ul.to/rk22j2uk)
5. Le Fluffie (http://ul.to/8vthqq9q)
6. XexTool (http://ul.to/ymahyi1w)
7. Photoshop or any other Picture editing Programm.
8. latest Dashlaunch
9. Texturepack for PC
10. Terrain.psd (http://ul.to/vofzphp2)
11. One original Minecraft texturepack in Content/000.....

Firts, collect all files in one folder. Then open Le Fluffie.

Open Minecraft File


Extract Files to new Folder


Also do the same with the Title update.

Now you open up Xextool and select the Path to Minecraft default.xex and Titleupdate default.xexp. This files are in the Folders you extracted previously.
Select an output path for the pathed Xex and klick on Patch XEX File.


Now you go in the folder of the extractet Title Update and move all Files into the Folder of Minecraft. If it asks you to override to it.
Now the First step is done. You have the actual Title update patchet to the Game.

Take your minecraft folder put it on a USB stick and launch the default.xex. If everything is working you are ready for the next step.
If Minecraft is showing up as Trial you hav to enable lictpatch in Dashlaunch!!!

If everything is working lets continue.

Now you have to decide which texturepack you want to create. Default is 16x16 if you want to have 32x32 i prefere editing natural Texturepack.

Now go to your Minecraft Folder and search for the folder called DLC
Inside is a Folder for eacht Dlc. Make a backup of the dl you want to edit. In my case the natrual Dlc, because i have this in original.

Open Bms Unpacker


Click on open Script and select minecraft pck unpacker.BMS in the Bms unpacker folder.


Click on open Archive.


Choose the x32data.pck from the folder where ou extractet the DLC.


Don't choose an output folder and lick on extrackt.


Make a new Folder and copy the Folder "res" and the two files "0" and "colours.col" inside

Now go into the res folder and you'll find some png pictures. Terrain.png, Terrainmiplevel2, terrainmiplevel3. Make a backup of all this 3 files.

Now you have to open the terrain.png in Photoshop and edit your texturepack to your liking. I you download a newer Texturepack for pc there is no terrain.png. You must go into blocks folder and copy each Block into the terrain.png.
I've made a Photoshop file with layers named like Blocks so it's very easy. You can find it on the top.


If you are finished you have to same the file as terrain.png in png24 format. To do so go to save for web. Choose png 24 and heck the Filesize. It must be equal or smaller than the original. Save it as terrain.png


Now do this also for miplevel2 and 3 but look at dimensions and filesize. If you've replaced this 3 you are ready for reimport.

Open the Mincraft reimporter


Select BMS file from unpacker


Select x32data.pck you have extractet earlyer


Select the folder with extractet Dlc data where you editet Terrain.png


Now all you have to do is replace the natrual dlc files with your files and start default.xex You have to choose the natural dlc. This is why you need the original dlc and start the game. Enjoy



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Vielen Dank, the modded version you uploaded works :thumbsup:


Well, it boots up at least, I don't see a different texture pack (the transparency is messed up though) :D ...

But now I can edit the png files again, I missed that so much, it was so easy before the TUs started replacing texture files.


In your tutorial you are replacing something in the DLC folder, but I can just edit the terrain.png in the res folder and those terrain files apply to the default textures of minecraft ...

So bassically I just had to patch the default.xexp from the TU to the default.xex of the game and copy the new files over to the Minecraft root folder. (I used your pre-modded version to save me some work though :D)

And then I could start using an image editor to edit all the png files ... I haven't had to use anything related to the files from the DLC folder.

^ Have I misunderstood something or are some of the steps from your tutorial optional?


I don't know how to make this an standalone texturepack dlc.

I think it's nearly impossible to put Texturepacks in DLCs at the moment, they are stored inside of LIVE containers and as far as I know rehashing and resigning those isn't as easy as it is with CON containers.

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Vielen Dank, the modded version you uploaded works :thumbsup:


I think it's nearly impossible to put Texturepacks in DLCs at the moment, they are stored inside of LIVE containers and as far as I know rehashing and resigning those isn't as easy as it is with CON containers.

You might be able to convert them to CON... have you tried that?

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You might be able to convert them to CON... have you tried that?

Thank you, awesome advice man, didn't think about that :D


Converting it to CON seems to work :-3

I tried it with the Plastic Texture pack without changing anything, just converting the container from LIVE to CON with Le Fluffie, it started without any problems :thumbup:


So I guess it would be a lot easier to grab one of those DLCs and change the textures inside of them. That should even guarantee the compatibility with future title updates.

However, tombo's method is perfectly suited for the good old simple png editing that was possible before the TUs started replacing textures :-3

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i was very inactive at xbox. Did some other Projects.

Normaly there are no optional steps, but maybe there is an easyer way. I didn't rellay know much about xbox and hacks and so on. If just searched hours and hours for custom texturepacks on the internet after tu but didn't find any working tutorial. After using any tutorial and finaly get a working solution i thought i upload this for other that maybe want the same as me. :)

I'ts fine that i could helped some of you :)

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On 6/23/2015 at 2:35 AM, tombo said:


i was very inactive at xbox. Did some other Projects.

Normaly there are no optional steps, but maybe there is an easyer way. I didn't rellay know much about xbox and hacks and so on. If just searched hours and hours for custom texturepacks on the internet after tu but didn't find any working tutorial. After using any tutorial and finaly get a working solution i thought i upload this for other that maybe want the same as me. :)

I'ts fine that i could helped some of you :)

Hi I have a problem doing this. When i move all files into my Minecraft folder and launch the default.xex it's saying "Minecraft xbox 360 edition has failed to load and cannot continue".

Edit:Didn't saw how old topic was

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