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Hello guys, can you tell me the easiest/fastest way of reducing the size of the games who are GOD formatted (I've messed up for some of the games by selecting the mode to be NONE which made them use 8.15GB space). I've tried converting the GOD games using GOD2ISO then ISO2GOD but it didn't worked for most of the games (I wasn't able to load the newly created ISO with ISO2GOD). Any help will be appreciated, thanks in advanced! P.S. What do you recommend me to use more XEX format or GOD?
I think its very useful when you can see how much space a folder itself take. This time only the size of a single file is shown but not from the whole folder. A Problem too is that also FileZilla does not show the size of a folder ><
Hi there! My name is Mercenary and I'm the developer behind the FTP client called GODspeed. If you haven't heard about it yet, it's a Total Commander like FTP client designed to fasten and clarify file management between your PC, NAS and your FSD-enabled X360. During the development I found a few interesting issues but there's only one that troubles me a lot. I released a new version this week and this one finally got an error reporting feature which has already proved to be an extremely valuable addition because now I can see all the weird issues the users of my tool have to face. And the most common problem has been reported by Polish users who use their computer AND(!) Xbox with Polish language and culture settings. But I don't know how so that's why I ask for your help, because I only see their FTP log. When I connect to my console and call the LIST command I get the following: But if they do the same they get the dates with Polish month abbreviations: Now I've got two problems.1) The third party library I'm using to access FTPs can't handle those month abbreviations. (complete morons wrote that code :S)2) I can't change my console's settings to be able to reproduce this issue. Can you tell me what do I have to do to change the culture to Polish? I tried to switch language and locale in NXE, but it hasn't had any effects. Actually my only hope is that if I would be able to set the culture to Polish then maybe I could come up with a hack somehow, otherwise my Polish users will be disappointed. Besides that there's a minor issue as well. I already made a workaround for that so it's not a big deal, I just wanted to let you know that when you call SIZE command it throws a not implemented exception. Thank you for your help in advance, I really hope you can help me to make those Polish fellas happy. Cheers!