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Thorz last won the day on May 1 2019

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About Thorz

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  1. Hello guys I have moved my 360 to the living room as nowadays it contains games for my kids more than for me. My previous DVD player stopped working after 10 years and the 360 has taken that place in the AV cabinet. I have almost not used the DVD drive on this console since the day I bought it. It is a RGHed slim Trinity. What I am trying to find is if there is a way to mod the DVD drive so it can play DVDs from all regions, today it only plays region 2 disks. I still have a huge collection of region 1 disks that I would love to play on the 360. I have Googled the topic for some time and strangely has not found much info about this. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  2. I am not sure m8, I posted this a long time ago. Is it Bioshock Infinity you are trying to install? Exactly what version of the game do you have? The ISOs I had had the structure as explained in my post. If you are trying with another game and it does not show other files on Disk 2 it is probably not the same case as the GOTY / COmplete edition versions. There are several methods the publishers use to package XB360 games. My only advise could be to search using Google with the title of the game and RGH or JTAG, usually this will show how the game should be installed in the console. Good luck.
  3. In my case both options are disabled. I cannot even think how long have it taken if these options were enabled. At the end I think I can survive. Aurora is a very nice step in the right direction after FSD3. I am very grateful with the dedicated team that is behind its development because even after so many years the XB360 is still going strong thanks in part to people like them.
  4. Thank you for your efforts Swizzy. I will look more into this to see if I can correct the database so the games that are not been placed where they should be are then "moved" to the correct category. Hopefuly this will be much easier when the next version is out and it give us the function for making these kind of changes from Aurora itself instead of needing directly edition of the content.db file. I think Aurora is a fantastic piece of software. It is in many aspects already leaps ahead of FSD3.
  5. Thanks Swizzy. I will be waiting for the next update. For now I guess I will manually edit the content.db file on my Mac.
  6. Thanks, I had then understand the concept. What got me confused was the part about the "flags which are defined as the power of 2" that Swizzy posted
  7. Would you mind elaborating on that part QuattroGam3r? I did not understand what Swizzy ment and how to apply this in practice. I can of course check my own database and compare the flag values but I would love to understand how the system works. Thank you.
  8. ~850 titles: ~20s Aurora starting time I have a 2TB internal Samsung ST2000LM003 M9T 2TB Sata III hard drive.
  9. I wonder why there is no script data category for XBLA as there is for emulators and homebrew? A few of my XBLA games are been recognized as full Xbox 360 games and I don't know how to tell Aurora to place them under the XBLA quick view filter. My XBLA games are in their own XLBA folder, separated from my Xbox 360 games but since there is no script data category for XBLA I have to leave this in None when I am scanning the path. In FSD3 I didn't have this problem as I could mark the path as XBLA when importing it.
  10. Great dash. Just installed it and now am learning my way around it. So far it looks good. Thanks go to the hole team back it. Keep on the great work guys!
  11. Thanks Swizzy. You have always been of great service to the JTAG community, Your work is really appreciated.
  12. Reading your instructions I now see that you have to have Linux installed to do this. I don't have it. Have just a laptop with very limited hard disk space. I think I will leave the things as they are for now until one of you dev guys post a version of Xell with this problem fixed. I you happen to post this fixed version again I will be very grateful.
  13. I see. My Linux experience is very limited. I am usually very eager to learn new stuff, and compiling this seems like a very nice project, but as everything in life this is going to take some time for it to be done right and at the moment I have too much in my plate both at work and home. I feel that if I rush and do something wrong, it can screw up the 360, and that will bring sadness to me and my little daughter. That would be amazing, and very kind from your part Swizzy. Is it easy to install? I don't use Xell often, but sometimes I use the DVD drive to rip games using FSD3 so disconnecting or disabling the drive outside Xell is not a good option for me at the moment. Thanks a lot.
  14. Hey Swizzy I am kind of stuck here. I have just updated software to 17150 using xeBuild_GUI_2.095 and I was thinking that Xell was going to be updated too when building the new NAND, but I still have v0.993 after the update. As you can see from this picture this version of Xell is presenting the known bug that makes it hang on SATA DVD discovery. Where can I download a newer version like the one you provided on your last post /the link is now dead)? Could you point me to an easy guide on how to install the newer Xell? Thank you.
  15. Are you using the files I posted or new files updated to February 2015? If you are using the old files it looks like a hash problem. Have you rehashed the files 2 times in Horizon? Several people have posted that they succeeded loading the September 2014 squads from those files so I recommend you to double check the steps I posted.
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