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Everything posted by QuattroGam3r

  1. Yeah, can't wait. Just finished setting up TV (ir blaster doesn't work ( , it's a receiver) so going to DL my Halo MCC Finally after messing around with audio settings for a minute, I get surround passthrough over hdmi working from live tv to my Pioneer Elite receiver. Why does everyone but M$ understand how to make it "just work"
  2. Yeah, seen that vid before. I'm not a big SW game fan, aside from Force unleashed 1&2. But it does look good.
  3. I have Comcast triple play. The modems with phone service do not (yet?) support this. Yes windows will allow IPv6 but my Mac still prefers IPv4 over 6. Apple has issues with IPv6 protocol, or at least they used to state they did, that's why they still force v4 I agree with the NAT thing
  4. Yeah, I got all fired up about ipv6 a few years ago, but everywhere i turned support was limited. Each device has to support it, plus router (if that's the case), then modem, ISP and finally server. I use comcast, and even though they do dole out ipv6 addresses, the modems they rent usually don't. I got around that by buying my own Moto surfboard modem, only to find out that My computer always preferred ipv4 over ipv6. Straying from topic a bit, but I just wanted to share my woes with even trying to use ipv6. Of course things might have changed a bit since then, but it's still going to be a slow adoption. Sometimes people don't like to fix shit till it breaks lolz
  5. yeah, I think not. https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/network/hh994905.aspx
  6. Thanks gavin, i'll try that out later
  7. I'm good, I appreciate the offer though gavin. I have a little patience stowed away, I can wait for release. Besides, it works good for me as is. The only thing bugging me right now, is that I tried to replace some screenshots and it would not update. Not sure if I did something wrong or not, I did it the same way as covers/backgrounds.
  8. I noticed, I tried looking for the new commit when you first mentioned it, haha. Then came back to it a few days ago and downloaded the master and noticed the changes. But gave up as it was too much hassle installing cgwyn on my VM for one program. Don't think I can compile windows apps on my mac either, idk. Figured i'd just wait it out for release.
  9. The way I read it, he said "till today, everything was working fine" Maybe I miss read. But yeah, I would think that would have fixed it.
  10. QuattroGam3r


    I'll bring the potato salad
  11. I think Swizzy is right. It's quickly going to become a nightmare. The OG topic is hard enough to do, but I was simply going to edit the script for other collections. How is he going to make it look for them on its own. Unless, like themoviedb.org, a new database is created and people submit their own artwork. But artwork is difficult enough to do without the problem of creating something new, I know cause I make covers. For Xbox, 360, and tmdb/fanart.tv I just don't see it taking off. But I would still like to see some option available to sort collections together, wether it's in a subsection or not.
  12. Out for delivery. Went from to Kentucky to Stockton while I slept. Hells yeah! Update Woot!
  13. On that note, i'm going to bed. Night y'all
  14. Don't listen to static, his Cisco certs mean nothing, he's making it all up. lmao
  15. Here's your answer, if 800 people connect your shit out of luck, the whole matrix will crash and no one will ever be on LiNK again. As far as I know, each room is it's own vpn, the creator is the tunnel to the server, others just jump on. At some point the server will stress (ever try to compile code?)
  16. Or don't play with that guy who's connecting using wifi->wifi extender->bridge->router->ADSL
  17. Well since TX is not making them anymore, you'd have to get on the ball if you want one. That said though, Xbox live isn't going to be around that much longer, so you have to way the cost yourself. No sense in having a dual nand if retail is no longer supported anymore, right. Unless you want to install rgloader and start making trainers etc.
  18. None that I've seen. Except Judge Judy, I like to watch her rant.
  19. No dev's time would be wasted. When JQE said he almost shut it down twice this year already, he said he does it cause it's fun. Try to remember, these are games, they are meant to be fun. If it get's so serious that the people supporting it don't have fun anymore, then you can worry about it shutting down. Ensure their fun, donate and do whatever you can to support this thing you have such a passion for.
  20. Bah, he's a good guy, knows a lot about the scene, and always tries to help. He's just quicker than some to point out what he see's.
  21. And suggestions are always welcome, just be careful not to keep on it too much, cause people will will start rolling their eyes when they see your username.
  22. I hope you don't think you're being attacked here, cause your not. it's just that you're just beating a dead horse. If it's so much of a problem then the people that can't stand it anymore can always fire up Xlink Kai. But remember, Nova is more than likely going to be optimized just like Aurora has been, and assuming it won't be able to handle the traffic is kind of silly. You don't know it's capabilities yet.
  23. You post it, I quote it. I just asked how you came up with those numbers. You just answered... A guesstimate. I think you should try hosting matches with less people man, Start a password match and control shit yourself instead of complaining it's overburdened. I played tonight and it was fun, why, cause there weren't too many people.
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