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Everything posted by smithmal

  1. bump on old thread.... I've tried genre filters and no games are being automatically added according to their asset data. Is there any ways to add appropriate asset data? What am I doing wrong?
  2. Thanks for your response. I guess I'll try and muddle through and ask any questions along the way. Who knows, maybe after I've created a skin I can try and write an updated tutorial.
  3. Many of these tutorials are over 7-8 years old. Moreover I have seen many new skins developed. For those of you that have created skins for Aurora in the last couple of years could you please let me know the following: Is there a good tutorial that breaks down how to develop an Aurora 0.7b r1655 skin that is easy enough for a newb to follow?
  4. Can any provide the steps necessary to make a skin developed from an earlier version of Aurora to the latest version (0.7b)? I know this can be done but there are no guides/videos explaining how this is done.
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