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xSwatQCx last won the day on May 25

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About xSwatQCx

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    RMS Freshman

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  1. Like i said, i do receive the email and it has the "new" password in it but it (the new psw) is still invalid and i cannot login with it.
  2. I got 2 accounts that can't connect but can receive password reset emails problem is i still get login failed with the new passwords.. One of the account been created for the sole purpose of bypassing my initial login issue.. Accounts xSwatQCx SwatQC
  3. I understand notngetting an aswer right away.. But at this point im affraid i'll never be able to try LiNK....
  4. Gorgeous , can you make other color variation ?
  5. Very neat skin , any chance we will see a VER 4 for 0.7 ?
  6. Title pretty much says it. I can't login to my original unity account as i lost the password, resetting it seems to works as i received an email with the new password... But unity refuses it I ended up giving up my username and created a new account with a second email addresse i own.. But same deal, login failed. It just wont connect.. Is it still up?
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