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karenjan99 last won the day on November 18 2024

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About karenjan99

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    RMS Freshman

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  1. which is the last version guys? 2.1.1a 2.1.1b CRT Fix or 2.1.1b soonto2.1.2?
  2. hi guys, is it possible add custom xefu selector for each game? something like xefu spoofer but with loading our custom xefus. for example im have hex edited xefu for gta 3 which makes game to run in fullscreen, so make aurora select default xefu for this game at launch "example.xex" . this would be usefull addon to make game library more cleaner like "boot and play" especially for xbox1 games, sorry for my bad english)
  3. coolest skin thanks! but can you add avatar like in this? also will be a fine to see progress of scanning TU on loading screen like in standart theme. it will be helpfully to know status of console does the onsole stuck at TU scanning or not)
  4. yeah where can i find that database file? for editing xefu fot title id and not change title id?
  5. hi guys i want to upgrade rgh2 to rgh3, but i see this warning about v2 ** WARNING!! If you don't let the app exit after flashing a corona v2 you will most likely end up with a machine that no longer boots untill you reflash it using a computer!! is this warning about exiting and launching console? or just about to give software fully completing task?
  6. hi guys trying to load nova.xex with fsd but still nothing happening. tried replace fsd plugin with nova with no luck, with dashlaunch it not loading too(
  7. guys please help, is it possible change to pal 60 without composite cable? i have hdmi cable only(
  8. hi, please can you delete unity account with username karenjan99? first time for registering i used that username and mail.ru and i not receive message for activation. now i want to register with gmail and use same username
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