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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hey there, could you please post the pictures of the abovementioned issues? I have found similar issue before, Most of the issues was because the corresponding TU wasn't present, and some issues was because of the TU downloaded was corrupted, either by no free space available or bad sector in HDD. I have also found one "friend" who have similar issue like you, turns out he NEVER activate the correct TU corresponded to the game and was using a different version trainer, most of the old trainer made by @felida was the "latest" at the time of creation, I have no issues since day-0 Please explain further about this, I don't quite understand: Hope we can find the root cause and solve this issue.
  2. 1 point
    i reset my passcode with this code , so for you probably do nothing but for xbox support that i called for the code he provide it work for me and for my friend , the code will be different from console to console i have slim/corona so it work for me ;)
  3. 1 point
    Yes, he read your first thread. You can activate, and download TU's in the game settings, just like you launch the trainer. Just because you have both Aurora 0.7b and Aurora 0.5b, doesnt mean the settings between them are connected. This is why you must activate the TU in 0.7b also, or it will remove the TU that is in Content/Cache when you launch the game. The TU loader knows this, so it checks the DB to find out if the game has a TU enabled, if it doesnt then the trainer is disabled. Now you have your spoon fed answer, youtube TitleUpdates Aurora, and you will find 100+ videos on just this topic.
  4. 1 point
    Just a heads up to those who have been mislead by the uninspired and lazy copy cat steamOS name of this skin. The original and still the best steamOS has been updated by mrknorton for Aurora 0.6b compatibility. Download here http://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/topic/4701-skin-aurora-steamos/
  5. 1 point
    I've already said it was nice, but whether I'm going to download it or not, which I won't, it doesn't change the fact you mad a bad error of judgement by naming your skin the same as a very popular pre existing one. I don't think it's cool to ride on the coat tails of others, at least without a name check at the very least, but clearly you have no problem with it, so well done, if you want to be known as the guy who ripped off the steamos skin name and didn't give a damn about it, that's your call. Great way to get remembered.
  6. 1 point
    Sure the original isn't compatible yet, but then 0.6 has only been out a few days, and he may be planning to release an update of his own. All you've done is just confuse the issue with your skin. Simply, as it already existed and pre-dates yours, I think you shouldn't have used the steamos name, and used a bit of imagination to come up with your own alternative instead.
  7. 1 point
    Nice, but zero marks for originality as there's already a skin with that name. http://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/topic/4701-skin-aurora-steamos/
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