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Possible to auto download latest title update?

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It is possible with either Aurora or any other app to scan my games and then download the latest TU please? I wrongly assumed this is what the 'Title Update - Scan now' option did in settings until I tried it recently. I think I now understand that this simply scans content and adds any TU found there to Aurora's own title update folder ready for use. Looked as if it only scanned Hdd1 though, so is it not possible for it to also scan externals?


Thank you

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Looked as if it only scanned Hdd1 though, so is it not possible for it to also scan externals?

There will be support added for USB#:\Content\... with 0.6b since it was added with 2.0.17349.0 from Microsoft, Aurora only scans paths which are valid for the TU's to be on...

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Good to know, thank you. Any thoughts on auto downloading TU's, or know of any other app that can do this please?


I have some more questions please...


1. I can confirm I'm already connected Unity, so if I 'Push', how long should it take to arrive on 360 and is there any notification, or is it just a case of keep checking game details? Is there any other requirements such as perhaps a reboot?


2. Do pushed TU's go straight to Aurora title update folder, 360 cache or both?


3. At what point or in which situation would a TU update ever end up in a 000B0000 folder? Most TU's from marketplace arrive in cache do they not, or do some get saved to directly to titleID\000B0000 folder?

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Good to know, thank you. Any thoughts on auto downloading TU's, or know of any other app that can do this please?


I have some more questions please...


1. I can confirm I'm already connected Unity, so if I 'Push', how long should it take to arrive on 360 and is there any notification, or is it just a case of keep checking game details? Is there any other requirements such as perhaps a reboot?


2. Do pushed TU's go straight to Aurora title update folder, 360 cache or both?


3. At what point or in which situation would a TU update ever end up in a 000B0000 folder? Most TU's from marketplace arrive in cache do they not, or do some get saved to directly to titleID\000B0000 folder?

I can't really tell you terribly much at this point regarding that, other then that we will NOT be implementing this in Aurora any time soon...

1. It takes roughly 5 to 10 minutes depending on exactly when you did the push..., there's no notification, it just starts downloading it and updates the cover(s)

2. You can't push TU's from Xbox unity, only covers... TU's are downloaded to the Aurora folder tho... not both...

3. it depends on the size/type which basically can be checked by the name of the file...

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On Unity though, when you click on 'Updates', up pops a screen showing all the update for that game. It's has a download arrow sign and a plus + sign, which when you hover over say 'Push'. I've not tried it yet, but from what you said above regarding TU, the push option won't work for these?


3. it depends on the size/type which basically can be checked by the name of the file...


I'm not sure what you mean, but perhaps it's me not explaining clearly. What I mean is in which situation would you ever find a TU update in 000B0000? Like for example it's not likely to be on disc (and I've not seen as yet) because surely all updates would have been incorporated in to main game already. If all marketplace TU downloads are stored in cache, and aurora's TU downloads stored in aurora's own folder, how or when is a TU ever stored in 000B0000?

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On 10/20/2015 at 4:13 AM, jackhulk said:



It is possible with either Aurora or any other app to scan my games and then download the latest TU please? I wrongly assumed this is what the 'Title Update - Scan now' option did in settings until I tried it recently. I think I now understand that this simply scans content and adds any TU found there to Aurora's own title update folder ready for use. Looked as if it only scanned Hdd1 though, so is it not possible for it to also scan externals?


Thank you

It is critical to clarify the 'Title Update - Scan Now' option. It appears to scan and add updates to Aurora's folder, but scanning externals presents difficulties. Exploring alternatives with Aurora or other software to swiftly scan and download the most recent Title Updates, including external disks, would considerably improve user convenience and smoothly maintain gaming systems up to date.Fm whatsapp

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Note that not all latest title Updates are on xbox unity because of some size title Updates or some did not upload some of the title updates and sometimes it can clitch and even if you install a title update and scan it and activate it wil not work that is 0,10% Chance or that a dlc works and after that i wont like with Cid Meiers civilazations dlc

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On 12/29/2023 at 1:59 PM, Pranav said:

It is critical to clarify the 'Title Update - Scan Now' option. It appears to scan and add updates to Aurora's folder, but scanning externals presents difficulties. Exploring alternatives with Aurora or other software to swiftly scan and download the most recent Title Updates, including external disks, would considerably improve user convenience and smoothly maintain gaming systems up to date. doodle baseball

Thank you for your advice. I have downloaded the latest version successfully.

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Aurora only scans header updates on HDD1 and does not automatically scan external drives. You may need to reconfigure or manually move the updates from the external drive to Aurora's folder.


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