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About userix

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    RMS Freshman

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  1. When using trainers designed for Aurora, is it necessary to reboot the system whenever I want to switch to another trainer and game? I know traditional trainers reside in the RAM until the system is rebooted.
  2. Having SMB network feature would be super duper nice! Does Aurora automatically update the time from online servers? I know FSD will update the time automatically.
  3. Thanks! I thought xebuild would automatically incorporate the newer dashlaunch version, since it supported building 16203 dash. I updated dashlaunch separately and the games that I manually updated the title update loads now. Thanks again!
  4. How do I check what dashlaunch version I have? If I used Xebuild 2.09 to update my jtag dashboard to 16203, should it have Dashlaunch 3.07 installed? If not, how do I manually install dashlaunch 3.07? Thanks!
  5. I am having issues with getting the TU12 for Black Ops 2 to work. I currrenlty have Dash 16203 JTAG system. I notice that none of my Title Updates that I applied manually (using XEXtool to patch) work. After I apply the TU, the game doesn't start and gives me an error stating that the game cannot be started. Is there something in the latest dash that is not allowing Title updates to update correctly? If I move my external drive to my other JTAG system that is running an older dash, the game loads fine without having to modified any files or changing anything. I simply just plugged the external drive into the other jtag system and the game loads up without any issues.
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