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Everything posted by n3mur1t0r

  1. wow, I forgot I even made this thread... Yep, played a little today, this game rocks
  2. Thanks for the tutorial JPizzle, the xeBuild team is as awesome as ever! However, I think that if you extract the contents of the "for_xxbuild.zip" (launcher.xex, lhelper.xex) found in the dashlaunch .zip to the xeBuild folder and then run the "xebuild update -f 16537" command you no longer need to install dashlaunch after the console boots. Please correct me if I'm wrong
  3. didn't find any updates for me
  4. Well then, I'm glad we don't have to worry. Thanks for your answers
  5. I REALLY don't think it's that simple. I guess we'll just wait and see, but I was wondering if there were any other games similarily released.
  6. Sorry for missing recent news, maybe this topic was discussed, couldn't find anything. http://uk.gamespot.com/news/grand-theft-auto-v-features-mandatory-install-and-two-xbox-360-discs-6410978 So, according to this article, GTA V will be released on 2 discs for Xbox 360. Up until now we're good, we can just iso2god both of them and gg, right? WRONG! Apparently, the first disc will feature a mandatory 8GB install, while the game will be played entirely off of the second disc. Now how would the FSD multidisc plug-in handle that? I'm just a bit worried, that's all.
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