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Posts posted by ianboy1987

  1. On 9/19/2019 at 3:19 AM, morpheous said:

    "And yet after providing every answer, for your counters..


    Actually, you haven't responded to all my questions.   And just because you, "respond" to my statements, doesn't make them  logical, correct or relevant to the argument at hand. 

    You're entire debating strategy is based on, "ad hominem" arguments.   This is where you seek to discredit someone's argument by drawing attention to their motives, character,state of mind ect,( calling me a troll for example or projecting that my motivation for challenging you in an argument is for the sole purpose of trolling )   rather than showing what is wrong with the argument i'm making.   You're using this logical fallacy to derail the argument.

    You have to much time on your hands. We have all bricked things in the passed iphones, dvd drives, modems allsorts of things iv bricked. Its allways been my fault you blame the guide thats up to you. I would say its your fault for following a 2012 guide in 2019. You could also recover from any failed update using this guide. People / staff and admin really go out there way to help here. 

    My point is stop bitching about this guide. No one forcing you to follow it

    • Haha 1

  2. chipping isnt really needed but does make things abit easyer. With a hard modded xbox you can just install any hdd without the need to lock. 

    all xbox versions apart from 1.6 and 1.6b have a flash able tsop. No extra hardware is needed you need to bridge afew points but if you not keen on soldering yourself you could use something like this. here a guide aswell.

    Softmod or hardmod remember to null your xboxs eeprom. Youtube Link

    You should also checkout rocky5 github. for any downloads or guides.

  3. 6 hours ago, morpheous said:

    "And it has been said several times, what you do is up to you, and can always end with a soft brick."

    During this thread and the other thread i was replying back to others about updating my jasper 360,not ONCE did anyone mention anything about a possibility of a brick.  

    "Hell.. You could have a power surge happen, or complete loss of power due to someone slamming into a power pole."  Really? nobody is talking about external circumstances here. 

    What is being talked about is if the write up was solid and correct in the fact that it covered all bases in terms of safety in that it minimizes the possibility of a brick. 


    "We are not here to hold hands and spoon feed people lol"


    Ummm, this isn't a matter of anyone hand holding or spoon feeding.   The person that bricked his 360, did so by following a tutorial, without anyone "holding his hand"  or "spoon feeding him"


    He followed a write up, step by step and as a result of following those steps, bricked his 360.  Then was told after he bricked it, he should have done X, instead of Y   Just let that sink it for a minute and think to yourself.     If that was you, how you would feel?  


    Read back on what he wrote. The guy who bricked his xbox years back.

    "I followed all the steps you listed perfectly and dumped my NAND flash, the problem came now when i tried to Write Nand Flash using Nand Flasher. I selected the file I created with xeBuild named nandflash.bin but there was an Error trying to write. I switched off the console"

    Im sure no one here told him to do that. 

  4. I made a totally useless .xex today so thought id share with you lot here. The hdd mounting was taken from swizzys github 

    #include <xtl.h>
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <xtl.h>
    #include <d3d9.h>
    #include <xam.h>
    #include <xui.h>
    #include <xuiapp.h>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <string>
    #include "xfilecache.h"
    #include "AtgConsole.h"//simple text output to screen
    #include "AtgFont.h"
    #include "AtgInput.h"//get input from controler
    #include "mount.h"
    using std::ofstream;//needed for the debug log
    ATG::Console xecout;
    void MountDevice(const char* mountPath, char* path, char* msg, int* mounted){
    	if (Map(mountPath, path) == S_OK)
    void mountdrives()
    	int mounted = 0;
    	MountDevice("HDD:", "\\Device\\Harddisk0\\Partition1", "hdd mounted", &mounted);
    	//MountDevice("USB0:", "\\Device\\Mass0", "usb0 mounted", &mounted);
    	//MountDevice("USB1:", "\\Device\\Mass1", "usb1 mounted", &mounted);
    	//MountDevice("USB2:", "\\Device\\Mass2", "usb2 mounted", &mounted);
    	//MountDevice("USB3:", "\\Device\\Mass3", "usb3 mounted", &mounted);
    	//MountDevice("USB4:", "\\Device\\Mass4", "usb4 mounted", &mounted);
    	//MountDevice("USBMU0:", "\\Device\\Mass0PartitionFile\\Storage", "usbmu0 mounted", &mounted);
    	//MountDevice("USBMU1:", "\\Device\\Mass1PartitionFile\\Storage", "usbmu1 mounted", &mounted);
    	//MountDevice("USBMU2:", "\\Device\\Mass2PartitionFile\\Storage", "usbmu2 mounted", &mounted);
    	//MountDevice("USBMU3:", "\\Device\\Mass3PartitionFile\\Storage", "usbmu3 mounted", &mounted);
    	//MountDevice("USBMU4:", "\\Device\\Mass4PartitionFile\\Storage", "usbmu4 mounted", &mounted);
    	if (mounted != 0)
    		xecout.Format("Scanning folders, please wait...");
    void __cdecl main()
    	BOOL quit = FALSE;
    	xecout.Create( "game:\\Media\\Fonts\\Arial_16.xpr", 0xFF1F005F, 0xFFFFFFFF ); 	//create console
        xecout.Format( " XBOX 360 JTAG/RGH TEST \n " );									//simple text output to screen
    	xecout.Format( " Press Buttons to continue or Back to exit \n");
    	while (!quit)
    		// get input from controllers
    		ATG::GAMEPAD* pGamepad = ATG::Input::GetMergedInput();
    		// Check for button A press.
    		if ((pGamepad->wPressedButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_A))
    			xecout.Format("A Button Pressed\n");
    		// Check for button B press.
    		if ((pGamepad->wPressedButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_B))
    			xecout.Format("B Button Pressed\n");
    		// Check for button X press.
    		if ((pGamepad->wPressedButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_X))
    			xecout.Format("X Button Pressed\n");
    		// Check for button Y press.
    		if ((pGamepad->wPressedButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_Y))
    			xecout.Format("Y Button Pressed\n");
    		// Check for button START press.
    		if ((pGamepad->wPressedButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_START))
    			void launchXexFile();
    				//XLaunchNewImage("game:\\Media\\nuiview\\nuiview.xex", 0);		// WORKS
    				XLaunchNewImage("HDD:\\DEVKIT\\xbmc360\\xbmc360.xex", 0);		// DONT WORK -- NOW WORKING 
    		// Check for button Back press. If true, set done to true and exit the program
    		if (pGamepad->wPressedButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BACK)
    			xecout.Format("Application terminated because user decided to exit!\n");
    			quit = TRUE;

     Any tips or points in the right direction im all ears.

  5. 2 hours ago, felida said:

    You have to run as admin.. Lmfao..

    It tells you in the prompt once jrunner loads.. Windows 8+ NEEDS admin..


    But yeah there are other means

    This was not the problem of course i run as admin.

    some kind of run time error if i remember correct. im sure i could of fixed but xebuild run fine so just easier/faster to do that at the time.

  6. 2 hours ago, devilhunter said:

    not a xenon, a jasper with blade dashes + running devkit with no tricks or glitch chip. 


    I have placed wiring for SMC hack "Jtag" and it worked only for xell, I couldnt run patched retail dashboard or "freeboot" since Xebuild needs additional patches and I myself dont know / have time for it. 



    Nice sounds very interesting, you said you have run a full XDK recovery so i guessing its a BB Jasper.

    sounds good anyways man, I no rework station so i wont be trying anytime soon :(

    id like to see more on this console tho. please make a post if have time man 

  7. 22 hours ago, devilhunter said:

    If  you dont understand what I mean, I can sell you my console for 200$ that can run dev kernel, I dont have time to build a special patch for it to run retail content. 

    That one pricey xenon. have you ever tried filling the empty ram spaces on some jasper and trinity ? 

  8. 3 hours ago, Frequency said:

    Hey I would really love to know what programming language is this written in, i mean Aurora. I had a guess that it was microsoft's own software XNA but i would like to be sure about it!



    I think its mainly coded in C++, could also be XNA. Swizzy has FSD2 source code on his github Here

  9. 21 minutes ago, Nathanrico04 said:


    I thought these 6717 files I should add on xeBuild to build my own dashboard were these here



    Im not 100% sure but i think if was to rename them removing $flash_ and changing .xexp to just .xex these files may work.

    Compair to the 7371 dash files to see.

    Saying that i not a clue wtf im talking about 😂😂

    • Haha 1

  10. 4 minutes ago, Nathanrico04 said:

    this is sad, i don't know where i would find the previous dashbord files, since from what I understand I can not use the update files

    Its been so long since we seen them dashes i dowt i would know 7371 from 6771. 

    No you cant use the avatar update you need to build a new nand image like we explained allready.



  11. You need to dump your nand, work out if you jtag, rgh or rgh2 and get your cpu key. Once have all these you can build a new nand image on any xbox dash 7371+

    I downloaded this earlya it has all the older dashes included


    • Like 1

  12. I tryed this some time back as i like the old blade dash. Just for a trip down memory lane the problem i had was using jrunner you cant build a rgh2 nand on the old 7371 dash. It was greyed out 

  13. There is some skins for fsd3 and aurora that look abit like xbox one dashboard.

    Its not a good dashboard iv never liked it. It just dont work well and some setting are hidden.

     Check Here there afew to choose from 

  14. Fsd3 and aurora both change the hud, adds temps and stuff. There was alot of differnt .xex that changed the hud afew years back. Alot of 360 sites are gone now so not sure where would find them. There might be on here if you look about

    • Thanks 1

  15. This sounds good i might have to switch to aurora when this is released, whats network speed like when ftping its like 11mb is that enuff to play games over lan ? 

  16. I joint RMS discord not to long ago. Its a cool place to hang out. Its a little silent around there some days tho and got me thinking why ant the LiNK users making the most of this. The only thing i can think of is they dont know about it. I dont visit RMS as much as i should these days but discord strait to my phone or pc when im onit.

    Anyways what i would like to see is a discord invite some where on aurora the hud or xnotify some think like that. Try to build the community abit LiNK users numbers must be going up now days. Would be easyer for them to arange games/matches 

  17. Iv been Trying to learn to code for the 360, there isnt much info online about it.
    i started https://dev360.fandom.com/wiki/Hello_World thats all well and good compiled fine and runs on my RGloader.
    i have edited it down removed what i thort i not need and added + changed stuff. for some reason i cant get it working right 
    im sure its very basic stuff for some of the users here, the start button never brings any think up. i did think its a syntax error but i cant seem to fix it atall
    here the part thats giving me troubles

    VOID __cdecl main()
        bool done =FALSE;
        g_console.Format( "PRESS A TO START\n" );
          ATG::GAMEPAD* pGamepad = ATG::Input::GetMergedInput();// get input from controlers
           if( pGamepad->wPressedButtons  & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_A)
           g_console.Format( "*** WARNING ***\n" );
           g_console.Format("Press Start to continue or B to exit\n");
           ATG::GAMEPAD* pGamepad = ATG::Input::GetMergedInput();
            if( pGamepad->wPressedButtons  & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_START)
               g_console.Create( "game:\\Media\\Fonts\\Arial_16.xpr", 0xff000000, 0xffffffff );
              g_console.Format( "not working\n" );
          if( pGamepad->wPressedButtons  & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_B)
            done = true;


  18. On 11/2/2012 at 10:30 PM, professor_jonny said:

    I tried to make an auto installer dvd with this by putting my own stuff in the zip file and extracting to the path "" but it fails to extract the files in the zip file only the directorys.

    Will you be relacing the source code for this ?

    i have made a big back of all the emulators home brew apps and a homebrew games and was planning to releace an iso.

    I know this is old post but im here in 2019 wanting to do the same thing.

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