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Everything posted by Anosserp

  1. I get around 4 mbps wireless and around 11 wired. I think yours may be so slow because you are not transferring just from pc to xbox or vice versa. You are going there and back(I think that's how that works anyway). I'm willing to bet your transfers may be failing because you have some file names that are too long. Once the xbox sees a file name that's too long, it will stop the rest of the transfers as well. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  2. I have my games in zip files and they aren't working. Each zip contains a disc image file and one or more bin files. I see the previous post states bin files are working, but what do u do for games that contain more than one of them? Any help would be appreciated! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  3. I agree. Original is much nicer to me.
  4. I love it and can't wait to use it. I have a request for this skin as well...can you include some dark wallpapers and ect....I love the darker skins...much like the theme to this site!
  5. Anosserp

    camo in bo2

    all the camos should be unlocked. when u edit your class, hover over your primary weapon and press "Y"...
  6. I seem to have everything translated into English except for the tab descriptions. I cannot figure out how to translate these. Also, when I select the settings tab, I get no response from fsd. Everything else seems to work from what I can tell. Do you suppose this is just an issue with the skin itself? Do you care to dabble into this project with me?
  7. Thanks for you help! It seems as though it only translates about 50% of the skin automatically...I guess I have to do the rest manually or could I be doing something wrong?
  8. Just wondering if it is a lot of work to convert a skin into English? I found one I really like, rxe v2 link rev735,but it is in another language... French I think. If it is something easy, please point me in the right direction to do it.
  9. Anosserp

    Live Profile

    I am in need of the same thing...do you know if there is at least a way to get my call of duty weapon unlocks back? i really dont care too much about getting my profile itself back...not looking forward to putting in the time to level up again though
  10. i too am having this same issue
  11. I just went through this myself so I know what u need to do. U need to install the update for your avatar and kinect. Download the latest system update and install it and this will solve your issues
  12. problem solved...thank you! sad thing is, i read that in a few other posts and never did it. i assumed i had them updates since i was on the latest dash....silly me
  13. First of all, I must say sorry for another black ops 2 thread. I've been searching through these forums and trying to fix my problem with all the suggestions that have been given to others. Anyway, every time I try to join or even create a multi player game, Iinstantly get "fatal error intrrcepted " and fsd reboots or freezes. Using tu6. Have deleted and reinstalled the update many times. Tried through fsd and I've gone to jqe and got it from there after verifying the id's matched. Please help... Been trying to fix this for 3 days now.
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