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Posts posted by Gualdimar

  1. i had some free time and found way to make weather in fsd work. you just need to google old api key(24 characters worked for me) or use your own if you have one.

    fsd uses http://api.worldweatheronline.com/free/v1/... type of links and they work pretty well. everything you need is an old api key.

    worldweatheronline has two types of links:


    first for old api keys(24 chars) and second for new api keys(29 chars, i assume some time ago there wasn`t such division).
    worldweatheronline gives api keys for free, which will work only with second type. premium api key can be obtained for money. but you can use any valid key you obtained for free a while ago or google it on forums.

    i have tried changing links in default.xex, but xml structures for v1 and v2 aren`t the same, so fsd have troubles displaying info correctly.


    UPD: if the key you googled doesn`t work: each key has "Queries per day" limitation(1000 per day). and, as a result of of its publicity, this limit is reached very quickly.

    you can check your key with this link:

    • Like 1

  2. It's not impossible, nothing is ever "impossible", it's all a matter of thinking correctly, it's not an easy task, and quite frankly, you don't need it, if you use the Quick Browse, it should show latest played game at the top, and all of the rest after that... meaning, it should be possible to just have it set to the sort that sorts by name, and use the Quick Browse feature to see the last game you played...

    nope, quick browse(X button) shows titels in abc order, whithout last played at the top.

  3. Yeah, that's exactly how you would do it... otherwise, what did you expect to get? all with a date specified to be first?

    That's also possible, you just check for whatever it would be when it's been played, and check if Item1 and 2 is set, then compare text, otherwise item1 goes before item2 or vice versa

    i wanted to show the last played game(only one latest title) in the begining of the list and all others in alphabetical order after it. cause the script i wrote has almost the same sorting order as the standart "Recent Activity" one.

    but from everything i know for now, i assume this is impossible, unless implemented in aurora. correct me if i`m wrong

  4. The way you do it is by first checking if they're on the same time, if not; compare that, if they're the same you change the comparison to title...

    It's all done in a single function =)

    tried it, result: all games that i have played were sorted by time and only those with "last played time: never" - by name.

    here is the code:

    GameListSorters["MySort"] = function(Item1, Item2, Type)
    	-- Check if sort Descending
    	if Type == SortType.Descending then
    	   if Item2.LastPlayed.HighPart == Item1.LastPlayed.HighPart then
    	      if Item2.LastPlayed.LowPart == Item1.LastPlayed.LowPart then
    	         return string.lower(Item1.Name) > string.lower(Item2.Name)
    	      return Item2.LastPlayed.LowPart > Item1.LastPlayed.LowPart
    	   return Item2.LastPlayed.HighPart > Item1.LastPlayed.HighPart
    	-- Sort Ascending
    	if Item2.LastPlayed.HighPart == Item1.LastPlayed.HighPart then
    	   if Item2.LastPlayed.LowPart == Item1.LastPlayed.LowPart then
    	      return string.lower(Item1.Name) < string.lower(Item2.Name)
    	   return Item2.LastPlayed.LowPart < Item1.LastPlayed.LowPart
    	return Item2.LastPlayed.HighPart < Item1.LastPlayed.HighPart

  5. You can setup your own sorting script you know... you can set one up that sorts by last played game followed by alphabetical order...

    is it possible? as i understand, this sorting type require two cycles. first cycle sorts items by last played time, second - by name excluding first item. or you need some buffer to store last played game and in the end of sorting put it in the first place.

    but how can you achieve this? functions in lua files only compare two items and you can`t tell what iteration is running or what items are in process

    • Like 1

  6. Here's an example for devices: https://github.com/Swizzy/AuroraScripts/blob/master/Media/Scripts/UserFilters/ConnectX.lua

    i'll make you an example later for folders on a device...

    waiting for it

    the list of Content properties(root, disknum, etc) i found in this topic: http://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/topic/3570-the-aurora-scripting-how-to-guide/

    is there any list of of other useful classes(ContentFlag, ContentGroup, maybe others if exist)?

    upd: found it in Enums.lua

  7. There is a new thing similar to what you're asking coming with 0.5b, did you even read the update information for 0.5b?

    There won't be a "select this game to be shown with this filter" type of thing, because it's just not worth all the hassle of doing so... if you are unable to figure out the lua scripting on your own, and the filters that are available aren't working for you, you can ask others to help you build a script for what you want...

    Here's a link to the Update Information thread for 0.5b: http://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/topic/4848-update-information-aurora-05b/

    oh, i missed that little paragraph between screens.

    about filters, maybe there is some way to move title to another filter, from hombrew to arcade, for example? 

    because editing lua scripts each time you add or remove game is not worth it

  8. it would be great to have fast filter switching buttons(LB/RB for example) to switch between existing filters.

    and also to have some simple filter creation function in Aurora itself. so you can create filter and select titels, which will be shown when filter is active

    • Like 1

  9. there is an xbox marketplace tab with download button in settings menu, which, i assume, should download missing assets(including covers aka boxarts) from the oficial xbox marketplace. but for me it does nothing at all. am i wrong about its functionality?

  10. when i log in into f3 webui on port 9999, i get this errors:

    Error getting ProfileInfo: 200 SyntaxError: Unexpected token ,
    Error getting AchievementInfo: 200 SyntaxError: Unexpected token ,
    Error getting ThreadInfo: 200 SyntaxError: Unexpected token ,

    game and notes tabs work well, but others have no info and << Launcher button do nothing

    ps FSD3.0bRev775

    upd: fixed it by moving plugins folder from aurora to fsd. works like a charm

    • Like 1

  11. hello, is there any simple way to download/update TUs(except manual downloading and moving in proper folder) for games on disks(not installed on hdd) in fsd?

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