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Posts posted by Whiteneo

  1. Realizar este tipo de traducción es relativamente sencillo, yo creo que entre más opciones mejor. Yo cogí el xml de la versión 0.7b y traduje todo, cosa que me llevo algún par de horas entre asesorías de herramientas y todo, de hecho tengo mi xml creado y no es nada difícil, tengo todo al 100% traducido y lo hice en un día. El trabajo pesado ya lo hacen ellos, lo que menos podemos hacer es compartir algo de lo mucho que obtenemos. Tengo el HUD a mi gusto y de hecho mi consola lo tradujo todo por sí misma, aún así lo hice y el mismo skin porque ahí comencé de hecho. Lo más dificil es crear un skin porque son muchas capas y fotogramas, de hecho pensaba compartir mi skin y algo toque mal que aparecía la notificación siempre y tuve que volver a empezar de nuevo :)

    Yo he colaborado en varios scripts y más compartiendo muchas cosas gratuitamente, entre ellas traducciones a nuestro idioma sin querer reemplazar ni demeritar el trabajo de nadie, hago lo mío como siempre de cero sin copiar nada de nada. Y cómo llevo unos días ya usando Aurora y no ví ni una sola traducción al Español y si que la busque mucho pues nada, decidí compartir la que hice para mi consola. Fue pan comido para mi porque ya he trabajado bastante en cosas similares y es muy fácil hacerlo con las herramientas existentes. Lo que sucede es que a varios les da flojera o simplemente su inglés no es sino el básico o su gramática es incorrecta.


    Yo soy de los que opina que entre más contenido disponible mejor. Por eso utilicé Español de México en lugar de el tradicional. Ya cada quien puede hacer sus traducciones a su lengua nativa porque hay bastantes cambios y diferencias de uso del idioma por regiones, aunque es muy similar.

    Pero yo lo hice más visual el desarrollo ya que anotaba que era lo mejor para frases y como quedaba bien acomodado cada texto posible :) y algunas palabras o textos fueron con sinónimos para que fueran estéticamente legibles. Y de uso general vaya, pues he usado consolas de videojuegos desde mi infancia y me las he apañado para traducir mis juegos a mi idioma y de más en el pasado ;)

    Respetando los créditos del autor original de Aurora y de los archivos usados y las personas que me ayudaron a compilar el idioma para compartirlo. De ahí en fuera pues nada, ya que todo lo hice yo mismo desde el archivo original de idioma nativo de Aurora 0.7b


    Y voy a colaborar en lo posible mientras pueda, ya que a veces sólo paso, colaboro con algo y me voy a otro sitio a brindar mi ayuda por lo que se recibe, aquí recibí cosas gratis, lo menos que puedo hacer es poner mi granito de arena.


  2. @felida i thik he is talkig about their Operative System, i have seen that error before when i use some partition or OS that allows you only 16 chars for file names :)

    All works fine into xbox 360 and into some OS at least on my side all goes like a charm but i have seen that error before even with some special chars due some operative system restrictions specially when i have used some Windows Versions, that's why i have asked for it, because if he decompress their xzp file and try it to edit then id he change filenames he have to edit skin.xur file to add new paths or any part of files who have asked for that image files.

    Some image editors have some restrictions in filenames either by the way :) So it is important to do the job as is to do not experience problems at skin tests :)

  3. The best way i use is unpack the file, the i have worked into all parts i want to do at this point, the i have edited some parts, but i have experienced some issues due some tutorials dismiss some information and now when i have done all and see how it works i can tell is too easy to do.

    Maybe your files if i understood experiment problems within your OS, due some partitions or type of them, some of them restricts usage of chars at a max like 16 or less maybe 32 at least, but if xbox allows 36 to 42 the best way to work on it is with some Operative System that allows you to use max chars at least 42 :)


    What OS do you have ?

    What version of it ?

  4. As i promised i was reviewed and repacked the file with some typo corrections and some other minor fixes to use language strings more propertly due style customizations.

    By the way i have tested it and it works so fine, all texts are translated and worked fine until now :)

    Vale, lo prometido es deuda a lo he actualizado a la nueva revisión, he corregido errores de escritura y algunos textos que acomodan mejor de este nuevo modo.

    Por demás lo he estado revisando y la traducción va muy bien en todo sentido.

    • Like 1

  5. Me parece bien, cualquier cosa favor de reportarla, de hecho ya estoy actualizando algunos cambios debido a que en el skin simplemente algunos textos se pierden o no se miran porque son de mayo tamaño que los permitidos por lo que veo, intenté modificar los tamaños directamente en el skin, pero no funciona, así que decidí ir corrigiendo algunos detalles que han ido saliendo y el fin de semana subiré el nuevo archivo ya con los cambios de los pequeños errores que se han ido encontrando en el proceso de pruebas, pero casi todo está correcto :)

    Algunos detalles van a faltar ya que hice la traducción completa de todo desde el archivo de idiomas proporcionado en el hilo original de Aurora 0.7b, por lo cual tuve que ir acomodando cada cosa y como lo hice todo el mismo día, aunque ya tenía idea de algunas cosas que había traducido en los archivos originales, debido a que desconocía por completo lo de las traducciones he estado acomodando todo de nuevo y al final tendremos un archivo de traducción que se ajuste perfectamente a esta nueva versión y pueda servirles a todos :)



  6. It is a waste of time i will never use another regional settings and even every time i need to write some new lines, modify something. ( It is nice to know it, but i think is more easy to only open with XUI Workshop and export binary file or only save the file again and done, that for any file you need is more quick and do not need to change anything, i am a programmer so i need all my regional settings as is due many code must be written within restrictions and usage of special chars :)

    I will not use only this tools but many other so  prefer to not dismiss something to write al codes i need :)


    Anyways there are two options :) is better for all users to know about it.

    And another important thing is in this files of HUD do not use special chars because it will break your changes so, as Fabricio Messias De Godoi said it need to not use it at all due files must be break, i have tested this due i have files without this chars and even do not works due the reasons marked below.

    Finally, thanks to all people in this forums now i have my files fine and with my language to let my family know how it works easily :)

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  7. Thanks to you @freebumblebee you have save from some headaches :)

    I will contribute as ever for other scripts / plataforms and more because i love to share some part of our work because many of us try to contribute and share information for more users who needs it :)

    And my next contributions would be a skin for Aurora 0.7b it woul take many time because i need to know how this tools works and what can be done because i know some html, css, js, php, ajax and more codes to write but i am new into this new plataform and i see it works with lua so i have to learn about it, and you have many usefull tools similar than ones i have used before so i think i can do it :)

  8. Ok thanks to all now i have discovered how to solve the issue.

    The problem was on file headers so i have decided to use another way to save the files so i have maded some tests and more to see what is going on in here.

    1.- Download M$ xbox 360 development kit.

    2.- Download XUI Workshop  (I have maded a new compilation that should work fine without errors nor changes to do).

    So now i have the new HUD files from aurora 0.7b

    Add the libraries to XUI Workshop and this same libraries to your UI Tools as this tutorial say)

    Open the file with XUI Workshop and save it as xui file. (Original was xur)

    Open this new xui file with UI Tools installed with M$ SDK. Modify the file at your owns and finally save it.

    Now this new file can be opened by the two softwares (This is very important and the tricky one).

    - At the first of all you can only open HUD files with XUI Workshop but not with UI Tools.

    Next to do is open the file to use with XUI Tools, and save it as xur file.

    - After this the files must be equal as the beginning, only canopen with XUI Tools, but not with UI Tools.

    * If you save it with UI Tools as xur then this error happens, only this file can be opened by UI Tools but in XUI Tools it crashes and mark a window error like this


    So if this happens when you set your files into your aurora it won't mark any error or anything but it won't be recognized :)

    So at this point you have your correct saved files and have to work if you follow this quick tutorial :)

    I've seen with another aurora versions the same happens due some quick tests i make.

    Finally i wish to thank all phoenix team and this forum to make this space to share some information.

    My next aportation must be a new skin for Aurora 0.7b but this next one will take me some time to do due i have no free time this next days but i will try to work on next weekend :)

  9. @gavin_darkglider Yes i have compared the three files with hex editor, but now i have compared with a binary editor at first glance i see headers are different one besides another.

    I have attached an image with file comparision with first and second files, The second one is original file and first one the compiled file, i try to do some other things now to see what is going on because it is weird i have worked in the past and all works fine :)

    @Fabricio Messias De Godoi nope i have not uses special chars this time, only in translation and some files yeah, but not on sign in and sign out ones, the weird thing is that the popup menú is working fine do not show any error or crashes. I have reviewed the three files the first time and i see there are some differences.

    Addittionally when you try it to open files with UI Tools from SDK it won't open the files, but if you save it with XUI Workshop then files can be opened by this both tools, then i have exported as binaries and there is the difference i think some headers or there must be new files to work with this new files, i have worked in the past with FS dashboard and all works fine, even i have used files with special chars and all works so fine.


    Addittinally i have edited original aurora files and all works fine, the are some translation parts missing but all works fine, so i have readed more and see there is a translation tool so i have decided yesterday to make my own translation, i do it and share the files before i have tested into my aurora due some errors, but it was solved with upgraded tools to compile only, translation parts works fine anyways, only if you make a compilation with another tool even size is different i have seen a 254kb within the new one 298kb so that seems to be ok at first glance and yeahp it works.

    I think that i need some new files to work with this files to make it works.

    Anyway i will review deleting all files where i use special chars and only will change as the video Aurora home to Aurora home 123...

    Thanks again and i am working on it :)


  10. Thanks @gavin_darkglider i have worked with it, the way i worked is via Xui Workshop the i save the contents as xui file and the i opened with XBox 360 SDK and it works and i have changed some parts and at the end i have exported binary files overwritten old ones. All seems to be ok.

    The problem is when i run Aurora then all is seems to do not work and takes default M$ contents inside HUD instead the new ones modified by HUD Scene.

    I have tryed to search with hex editor FD values and change it to BA as some video says to do and there are no references of that data, if i put original files all seems to be ok again, but if i load new modified files as i sad before all seems to be original parts and Reboot does a Restart same as restar and Xbox menu (First element) goes to M$ dashboard.


    I will work more on it and if found a right way to make it works i'll let you know, thanks in advance bro :)

  11. How about the new HUD into Aurora 0.7b i have an error at try it to open files.

    I have used Xui Workshop and it open the files propertly if i save it as .xur then UI Tools opens fine but marks some dependencies missing inside some parts of the hud.

    I have tryed attatched files to add it into UI Tools but do not fix the problem, i have tryed libraries inside Xui Workshop and same error happens.

    At the end i have decided to ask in here if some one knows how to edit HUD Aurora 0.7b files to not broke anything, i have seen all tutorials and i think i miss something in the proccess or any, i want to know about this or if is an OS problem i use Windows 10 PRO. All other tools works fine and i have shared the translation i make (i have some errors inside the proccess due bad files compilation of the tools shared into threads, but i use Aurora 0.7b so i think many things are changed this time).

    I have opened some files in the past to modify the HUD and all goes fine following tutorials due all information is very clear.

    Someone has tested the new HUD Files ? ( I mean Aurora 0.7b files)

  12. Thanks for all users you do a great job in general so i want to share and contribute with this as my first contribution.

    I have used the tools mentioned in this forum but thanks to


    and thanks to



    You can see in that two topics the right tools to make your translation works fine.

    Let me know of any change or issue you experience and i will work on it to make a better job :)

    Thanks to everyone and specially phoenix to provide this awesome software called Aurora :)

    Make sure that you upload your file inside Aurora DIR/Media/Locales/

    Then go to select language and select this new one and reboot then you have done !!!


    Este es el paquete de idioma español que voy a utiizar en mi consola y que quiero compartirlo con todos ustedes.

    Deberán subir su archivo a la ruta Aurora DIR/Media/Locales/

    Luego de eso vayan a la parte de languages, le dan click en change por defecto viene en inglés, aparecerá el nuevo idioma Español (México) por Whiteneo, simplemente seleccionenlo y les dirá que requiere reiniciar, reinicien aurora para cargar el nuevo idioma y ya está, deberá funcionar correctamente.

    Cualquier cambio o mejora que deseen agregar será bienvenida, saludos y gracias a todos por su gran trabajo ya que he llegado aquí por mero accidente y simplemente me ha gustado el foro y todo su contenido.

    Dejo adjunto el archivo de idioma en el foro.



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  13. Thanks to both i have downloaded all files and with the first one same error to compile missing one file and with the second one (i mean)

    Aurora Language Pack Compiler

    With the second one does not load flags like the version i have with the first post attatched, so i run it and with this new file the size was increased in kb compared with the other one.

    I use the files inside that posts but only the attatchments provided and all seems to be ok but i will try it again and let you know, by the way i have the xml file of EN-US inside first post of Aurora 0.7b and now i will try again with the new ones to see what is happen :) Anyway i have readed i need to change users creator of skin so i have changed too before continue and now i will try this one, many thanks for your quick responses :)


    EDIT: Yeah now it is working fine thanks for all.

    And i did not see where can i share this file ?

    There are some part inside the forums or may i ask to Swizzy ?

    I have seen this thread but there are no new posts creation, so maybe a pm or something but i don't wanna disturb people :)

    Anyways thanks for all and i want to share this translation with all people and make another ones for some parts i want to change to spanish too, but i will read again all information and only will ask if necessary.

    Thanks in advice ;)

  14. Thanks mate i will try this one, but i have to see if it works for new aurora 0.7 to share my translation.

    Aurora 0.7b works so fine but i have many doubts into how it works besides Freestyle but until now all is clear like water :)

    EDIT. I have finished my spanish translation however i have compiled with AuroraLanguagePackCompiler because with this one some files are missing to compile propertly i think is MS SDK xbox 360 files. But anyways when i try it to change into aurora it said strings are the same as default language and error appears and then language files are again on english default language.


    I will review it to see what is going on because this is the first time i work on xbox 360 :)

    I have saved language xml file and have xzp file and all seems to be fine but at the end do not :(

    Any idea ?

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