Hi team,
Great work as always.....
I should have chimed in before the update although it have probably been noted and resolved already in this update.
The problem i found was that a few games like BlackOp2 would download the latest tu but would miss match the media id. I had to do some manually due to this. I hope and believe this is someone uploading the wrong files and not an Aurora issue.
Now i'm going to be anal and suggest that we have a standard for banners in the artwork. I.e a standard of uniform headers on the artwork in stead of varying styles for the arcade banner, xbox 360 banner, kinect banner etc on the top of the covers.
I only suggest this as the styling and class associated with aurora is superb and it does take from it.
I have the time and sure others do to take on the database and make them all as uniform and aesthetically pleasing as i believe Aurora intended.
Anyway, i'm sure the appreciation for the time you people put in is understated. Keep up the good work and thanks again.