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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/23 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Do you enjoy Aurora? Enjoy playing on LiNK? Enjoy XboxUnity? If you answered yes to any or all of those, you better get a post in this thread!! Since I have been holding on to my donation for the Phoenix team until I could do something cool with it,,, Here is the deal... for every person that posts a thank you message to the Phoenix team in this thread, I will personally donate $0.25 to the team (max $25.00 {100 people} for this round) if you'd like to make your own donation to them you can do it HERE As a thank you from me, to everyone for showing their support,,I am sharing my first "semi-complete" HUD theme for use with Aurora With info and base files from gavin_darkglider HERE (creds to him for the file processing work, The "Aurora Home" text, and the base aurora icon) I have built on his work to create this modified HUD for everyone to show off their Phoenix / Aurora support!! Here is a list of changes from the stock HUD Custom "Aurora Home" button text & base Aurora icon - gavin_darkglider Custom Game info scene and text relocation - begal Custom "Phoenix" and "Aurora" logo's in hud - begal Custom Green temp gauges when signed in - begal Custom color/design Icons that change color/design when button is in focus - begal (prob more im forgetting, that's what happens when you get old kids LOL) System Link Button Focus (notice icon change) File browser (more custom colored icons) Install to Plugins\HudScene\** **be sure to backup your original files if necessary before overwriting them** HudScene_Aurora_Custom_begal.rar NEW VERSIONS JULY 4, 2015 This new V2 uses the "glow box" visual used in the default Aurora skin HudScene_AuroraGlowVersion_begal.rar This V3 combines the "glow box" visual as well as a turquoise(ish) home tab (I was able to easily match the temp guages color to the Aurora color code, but coloring the hud tab was done by changing the color write flags so it is not quite the same as the aurora color but I thought some people may still like it so figured id share it as well, I did it this way because to my knowledge only the outline of the tab can be colored using other methods ) Turq home tab_Aurora glow box game scene.rar Thank you to all the devs and site staff that make all this possible !!!!!! begal
  2. 1 point
    I saved not a lot of skins for aurora and wanted to share with you. The skins are not mine, I am not the author. also, these are not all skins from the forum, but only selective ones that I liked If you are too lazy to look for a skin suitable for you, here is a download for you. I don't claim authorship, and I won't be working on bag fix, so this is just a collection for people who don't want to search for a downloadable collection like me. I hope to improve someone's life) Good Luck! 02 zero two(phut hon).rar AstrOS_02.xzp Dash EN-US.xzp Default.xzp ElegantXbox10YearCelebXian07.xzp Material by x1024.cfljson Material.xzp Material_2.xzp Pack_Skins_Aurora_0.7b-20220924T105306Z-001.zip Particles.rar Resident evil 2 remake.rar SteamOS++.xzp SteamOS++_noNotif.xzp SteamOS++Phoenix.xzp SteamOS++Phoenix_noNotif.xzp SteamOS++Phoenix_Transparent.xzp SteamOS++Transparent.xzp The Last of Us Part II.rar The Last of Us Part II_v2.rar The Witcher 3.rar XboxXP.xzp
  3. 1 point
    Howdy everyone I've been hard at work creating my first full theme for Aurora and I'd like to share it with you all! --- Screenshots Alternate (Dark) Splash screen: Light (default) Splash Screen: Home screen with looping animated background: Game Details: Use this option to enable the Dark themed loading screen: System Menu: Settings Menu: File Browser: Game Browser: Loading spinner: Overscan options: --- Details Skin size: 7.3 MB (when extracted) Download: CP2077 [JMD].rar Enjoy!
  4. 1 point
    Simple Default Dark Skin with Awesome Loading by REZ Dark.xzp
  5. 1 point
    Thanks for keeping the Xbox 360 scene breathing, thanks Mattie, StelioKontos and everyone in the team involved, thanks for the effort and the amazing work ❤️
  6. 1 point
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