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Everything posted by begallegal1

  1. You all are very welcome, as I said before everyone involved in the project has my continued support, and respect I will be sending donation round #2 soon, I encourage everyone to keep posting their thanks here, and if you have the means to do so, drop them a donation as well !! Added 2 new HUD theme versions !!
  2. Awesome, if you don't mind I would like to implement that fix , credits will be given of course. Very nice to have others toying with this stuff to get things like that corrected, as I have said in a few of my threads on these concept skins , i'm not spending loads of time on each for various reasons, though I should have thought enough to fix that one, but didn't think much about it as I was using images that would not really benefit from it, so that goes back to it's very nice to have others input, thanks
  3. I didn't take the time to even check till you mentioned it, but yes is does seem to kill off the animated bkg. and I did get that weird flash of another image one time during testing, when my default background was set to an image that was not in my slideshow I noticed it. During each transition there is a point where both "old" and "new" image are at 50% opacity, this allows the default set background show through for a split second, I will likely pack updated versions of this skin w/out the default image to avoid this issue unless the user has a set image then of course they will have to clear the setting for optimal results with the slideshow. as a note to this initial version I will add in the OP that it is recommended for your "default" set background image to be a gradient or other neutral type image. thank you kindly, good to see you made a 10 slide version for ya quick, will keep adding until/unless it starts to cause any issues due the large length of frames (10 slides = 6000 frames) Added 10 slide version to OP! for anyone interested in my next skin project here's a tiny sneak peek http://gyazo.com/6bdeee3d29471bc2f8c152cf1c3962c4
  4. backgroundsildeshow.xzp goes in your "Skins" folder , then you must select that skin in the skin menu (Press B "view" , scroll to "skin" tab, press "change" , select the skin you want , "restart" Aurora from the "system" menu ) And no you should not have to delete any other background pictures you have to use this as the picture names have to be specific for them to read properly hope that helps
  5. Huge thanks to everyone for showing their support!! Finally got the paypal sorted out again after a bit of an email issue, so first donation has been sent!!! (you didn't really think i'd wait for all 100 people to post did you LOL ) Thank you Phoenix Team!! you have my continued support!!
  6. Yes that's a great concept! , this would be a good starting point to make a really cool time lapse scene
  7. Background Slideshow Skin for Aurora 0.5b → VIDEO CLIP ↠Screenshot taken during background transition lol Skin background image fades between 1 of 5 images you choose!! You get a new background about every 10 seconds !! Instructions For Use: 1. Name 5 images as follows - Bkg1.png, Bkg2.png ,Bkg3.png, Bkg4.png ,Bkg5.png 2. Put them in your "Aurora\Backgrounds" folder. (if you need a tool to bulk rename or convert your backgrounds to .png THIS does the job well) NOTES: If you swap backgrounds while Aurora is running you will need to "Restart" the program from the system menu for the images to reload. due to opacity of the images during transition it is recommended that you use a gradient or other neutral image as your "default" set background, this should avoid any unintended images from being seen through the slideshow transitions Also added wrapping file browser lists, otherwise skin is same as default. If there is much interest in this skin I can easily make a better v2 and include , more total images in the "slideshow", extend the time each image shows, add support for .jpg pics,...let me know your suggestions!?!? Overall this is more or less just another proof of concept skin to show what can be done with external backgrounds, so others can make more out of it if they would like Example backgrounds pack Example_Bkgs_SlieshowSkin_begal.rar Skin backgroundSlideshow_begal.rar ****************************************************************************************************************************************** ****************************** VERSION 2 - 10 slides ******************************** Same as above just add your backgrounds Bkg1.png - Bkg10.png City Lights Example Background Pack City Lights Bkg Example_begal.rar 10 Image Slideshow Skin w/default image backgroundSlideshow10_begal.rar 10 Image Slideshow Skin w/out default image backgroundSlideshow10_nodefaultbkg_begal.rar
  8. Thanks to everyone for posing their gratitude to the team up here, these guys and all the other great dev teams rarely if ever get the kudos they deserve imo, so nice to reinforce the fact that the community does greatly appreciate all the cool stuff to use on/with our consoles!! Keep the great comments coming everyone! Thank you all for helping me share the appreciation!! (please also note that if I don't "like" your post, I will, the forum limits the amount you can pass per day lol)
  9. So has anyone else figured out what this easter egg is?? I have but I have yet to see anyone else mention it aside of it's creator, so I don't wanna let the cat out of the bag if that's the case LOL
  10. Do you enjoy Aurora? Enjoy playing on LiNK? Enjoy XboxUnity? If you answered yes to any or all of those, you better get a post in this thread!! Since I have been holding on to my donation for the Phoenix team until I could do something cool with it,,, Here is the deal... for every person that posts a thank you message to the Phoenix team in this thread, I will personally donate $0.25 to the team (max $25.00 {100 people} for this round) if you'd like to make your own donation to them you can do it HERE As a thank you from me, to everyone for showing their support,,I am sharing my first "semi-complete" HUD theme for use with Aurora With info and base files from gavin_darkglider HERE (creds to him for the file processing work, The "Aurora Home" text, and the base aurora icon) I have built on his work to create this modified HUD for everyone to show off their Phoenix / Aurora support!! Here is a list of changes from the stock HUD Custom "Aurora Home" button text & base Aurora icon - gavin_darkglider Custom Game info scene and text relocation - begal Custom "Phoenix" and "Aurora" logo's in hud - begal Custom Green temp gauges when signed in - begal Custom color/design Icons that change color/design when button is in focus - begal (prob more im forgetting, that's what happens when you get old kids LOL) System Link Button Focus (notice icon change) File browser (more custom colored icons) Install to Plugins\HudScene\** **be sure to backup your original files if necessary before overwriting them** HudScene_Aurora_Custom_begal.rar NEW VERSIONS JULY 4, 2015 This new V2 uses the "glow box" visual used in the default Aurora skin HudScene_AuroraGlowVersion_begal.rar This V3 combines the "glow box" visual as well as a turquoise(ish) home tab (I was able to easily match the temp guages color to the Aurora color code, but coloring the hud tab was done by changing the color write flags so it is not quite the same as the aurora color but I thought some people may still like it so figured id share it as well, I did it this way because to my knowledge only the outline of the tab can be colored using other methods ) Turq home tab_Aurora glow box game scene.rar Thank you to all the devs and site staff that make all this possible !!!!!! begal
  11. Not sure I even come close to qualifying for "master" LOL ,, everyday I learn more and more that reminds me im still a noob Nice job on these tut's felida
  12. Many thanks again, fun to have all these new things to toy with Added a couple more alternate designs (spoilers near bottom)
  13. once you are signed into a profile,,In Aurora if you press "Y" to bring up the games info page,,then scroll down to the "Achievements" button(4th on down the side panel) then press the D-Pad LEFT as the "more" button shows at the bottom,, and you will be greeted with a new icon and the text under the "A" button will change to "Saved Games" ,, press "A" and it should show you the saves for that game or as an alternate way is to use the HUD on the far right page choose "system settings" ,,then choose on that page "storage" and then choose the drive you are saving them to and you should be able to find your saves under "games and apps" hope that helps, if you cannot find your saves anywhere we can try to narrow down the reason(s) it may not be creating any save files
  14. Very nice work! I really like "movie" personally MaesterRowen should add your "circle" to the next Aurora release, yours is much cleaner with all the covers facing forward than mine is lol
  15. I don't really understand your question.... yes I edited the original scene so the information is not at the bottom where it could be cut off on some TV's (like mine) and added the color box for flavor and a bit better visibility. and if you mean this thread,,yes I have edited the thread since it was posted to add some things and rearrange text.
  16. Thanks to info shared with us by gavin_darkglider I was finally able to take a few minutes and fix a problem I've always had with the Freestyle plugin,, on my larger samsung TV the title and ID information were always cut off at the bottom, since there is obviously no option to overscan the HUD to the needed size,, I found this to be the perfect opportunity to get the info back on screen and make it a bit more visible for my tired old eyes lol ,,and of course I figured I would share with everyone Install to: Plugins\HudScene\** **be sure to back up original file before overwriting if necessary** If anyone would like a custom color of this file , go to http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_colorpicker.asp or any other color picker site,,and post the "RGB" color code (example 255,0,0 = red) and I will make your custom color scene and post it I am also toying with design ideas on this so if anyone has any idea's for a dif look, let me know! Also Don't forget to go and grab gavin's Aurora plugin patches http://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/topic/5360-aurora-plugin-patches/ so you have the corrected "Aurora" text on the home button! Here are a few colors to get started GameInfoScene_Green_begal.rar GameInfoScene_Aqua_begal.rar GameInfoScene_Red_begal.rar GameInfoScene_Blue_begal.rar GameInfoScene_White_begal.rar ***************************************************************************************** Here are some alternate designs Solid Green w/Box Game Info Scene_Solid GreenBox_begal.rar "Rounded" Green GameInfoScene_rounded_Green_begal.rar Green Fade No Outline Box [this is probably my fav so far] GameInfoScene_GreenFadeNoBox_begal.rar Thanks again to gavin_darkglider for the info to help make this possible, and as always thank you to the Phoenix Aurora, and FSD dev teams for all the great stuff, including the Xui Workshop tool that also helped make this all possible!!
  17. Here you go , I just copied all the values from the "zoomed out" view to the "normal" view, changed the title to "Stand Back" so you don't get dup names in the list in Aurora,, gave it a quick test, all seems to be ok, let me know if you need anything else changed on it http://gyazo.com/00a76b78ba7ebd9144e82ed822b68d42 Stand Up_zoomoutEdit_begal.rar
  18. Huge props from me as always thank you
  19. Outstanding thank you for this!!
  20. Thank you kind sir Updated to V2 , now full custom views, of course much could be done with this still, I just wanted to get something in this layout for alternate custom view types, i'm sure I will make more versions of these views and update accordingly ,, I will from here further keep the entire previous release art etc in it's own spoiler so users can browse the various versions.
  21. Of course you can include it, anything I make, or share here you guys are more than welcome to it!! (I could never do enough to properly thank you guys for what you have shared with the community over the years!) I would really like to work a little closer with you guys, be it testing or actual contributions, I'll catch up to you to chat about that sometime here soon the box spinning came with the whole deal when pushing L&R back to make this from flock,,I didn't really take time to try and smooth the box flipping so it may be possible,, I will work on some more refined versions of this layout so you can choose the version you like most to add with the release
  22. Very nice keep up the good work Nice to have a skin with the title bar on top , this skin will allow me be more aware of scale and centering of the "center" cover while working on layouts (as I just noticed a chopped off cover on the layout im working on LOL), which should lead to them being more compatible for skins others may make in the future,, so thanks for that as well
  23. Not to drag on with things off topic but I gotta get in on some smart assing so here's one a bit more on the early side But seriously, thanks for all the great comments guys , and as always HUGE props to the Aurora dev team!!!!
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