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  2. the link in the Youtube video that invites you to Telegram doesnt work, it says you're not a member of this chat
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  4. It's frustrating when updates bring unexpected issues like non-functioning plugins and cover redownloads. However, acknowledging the team's efforts while highlighting these glitches can help expedite fixes.
  5. Is there anyway to scan for remnant DLC, I know Aurora can already scan for remnant TU's wondering if it's possible for DLC also.
  6. It will be nice to get new update for this skin. In my opinion is the best skin for Aurora.
  7. Can you upload the link again please?
  8. Fursan al-Aqsa Remake - Steam FPS Fest & Nablus Update Embark in this new mission with Ahmad al-Falastini, the most f***ng based game protagonist of all times. Have fun hunting some zionists with a sniper rifle (just like in real life). Finally after many months I was able to finish this new update which brings also many other quality of life improvements on the game besides this new mission, as you can see below. So what you are waiting for blowing up #zionist #terrorists? Do not miss this opportunity to buy Fursan al-Aqsa on Steam FPS Fest by just 7 bucks!!! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1714420/Fursan_alAqsa_The_Knights_of_the_AlAqsa_Mosque/ Here follows a list of changes for this new update: * Added rebind keys support for movement (WASD), especially usefull for AZERTY keyboards; * Added rebind key for Camera View Change, useful to solve problem some players had whenever using TAB as the camera change key; * Added full Gamepad Support with rebind keys options (except for movement and camera, which are hardcoded to left and right thumbsticks); * Even though Gamepad is Supported, you will still need to use the mouse for navigating through some menus (Mission Selection Screen, Skins Selection, Options); * There is a bug on which sometimes even though your key rebind configurations were saved/loaded correctly but on the options menu (in the game's main menu) it is not updated correctly. To avoid this, always rebind/check your keys settings on the settings menus from inside the pause menu (not on the options menu from the main menu); * Fixed some menus elements which were out of place on ultra wide monitors; * Added a Bullet Time Reset Counter for helping players with the Ranking System and some Achievements; * Added a Target Locking System, a.k.a Red Triangle of Death LOL; * Added new weapon Sniper Rifle; * Added new weapon Missile Launcher Tower; * Removed Diapers Update (it will come back later on as an optional mode LOL); * Added new mission: Nablus The Lion's Den; * Added 5 new Steam Achievements; * Added full Steam Community Items: Trading Cards, Badges, Emoticons, Profile Backgrounds and Animated Stickers; * Added the original demos for preservation purposes. They are not polished enough, have many bugs, but you can see at least the evolution of Fursan al-Aqsa Classic. However, due some copyrights issues, I did not add these builds on Steam, but you can download them freely from IndieDB: https://www.indiedb.com/games/fursan-al-aqsa-knights-of-al-aqsa-mosque/downloads To play them you need to go to \Binaries\Win32\FursanAqsaGame.exe Thanks and until next time!
  9. Earlier
  10. ngside the WebUI integration, mark a significant advancement in Xbox 360 homebrew capabilities. With enhanced features and streamlined user interface, this release promises to elevate the gaming experience for enthusiasts, fostering a vibrant community of innovation and exploration.
  11. Je pense que je suis arriver a la fin de ce skin après 3 ans (même si je peu encore amélioré 2,3 choses) mais je pense que j'en terminer et ainsi qu'avec le Aurora.xex car oui j'ai du aller modifier des choses qui ne me plaisait pas dans le xex (qu'on me condamne pour avoir modifier le code source de Phoenix 🤣) RNF, j'aimerai le partagé avec vous mais comme je suis un chien comme beaucoup dans ce monde je vais me contenter de vous montrer en photo ce que j'ai fait. Ont ce retrouve sur YouTube si ce que je dit ici dérange. Merci de vôtre compréhension PS: XBOX 360 Slim - SSD 1To - PC Case TRK UNIT POUR VOUS SERVIR.
  12. Ah yes I said to myself that this skin told me something and as for the video yes it's possible but very very very very buggy but not sure am there it's on another skin that I made
  13. Maybe because there is FSD code? but hey if that's why not publish it, everyone will be happy and we will have an Aurora that evolves much more than now with the world waiting for the source code.
  14. Well, give us the source code so we can continue developing it.
  15. We do have a build for 16mb rgh3, have tested on my personal rgh3 16 jasper & Corona nands, pro has tested on his falcon & trinity 16mb besides 4gb corona since we don't own one. But the build works. Just no shadowbooting. patches need working on. It ain't public but we have had it for awhile now.
  16. I like Aurora but the only thing missing is ui sounds. I tried to make skin with ui sounds myself but I just can't wrap my head around it for now. Could anyone make this come true? I think many people would love it
  17. You have some super nice Aurora skins. I like how your details menu is setup show casing all the synopsis etc on one of your themes I watched on your YT channel
  18. tested for falcon? is there any reason it wont work on falcon?
  19. I didn't say anything about your skins my friend they are very good, I was talking about that I wasn't mentioned but you didn't specify the date of the people you're talking about either, I started in 2017 on the skins from FSD then I moved with a lot of difficulty at the start to Aurora later because I noticed that FSD was abandoned but that Aurora continued to evolve and then I started to share them on Logic sunrise then on ModConsole and for end up on YouTube but I quickly understood that there aren't many people who are that interested so now I share what I do on video without much interest.
  20. You wasn't around during those times & the ones I've mentioned there skins are completely different to the ones you see around now or look similar besides the peps I stated This is not public. It works fine. Just needs me to do the rest of the Aurora menu settings & it will be done. But lost interest & life things I have other Aurora skins too I've made but never finished
  21. You didn't look closely then because you forgot me and I've always been there ever since
  22. hello, just wnated to say thanks for your amazing work! ive spent a lot of time searching for an auror😆a skin that looks more xbox 360-y and not like windows 11 or smthn. i would love it if it had a separate version with the avatar added for the people that need it. hope your work is going well and its gonna update soon!(i cant remove the emojis in between aurora im sorr lmao)
  23. Nevermind, i've already installed...thanks mate!
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