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Question about Asset Importer feature

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Hi  guys,

Looking at this forum, I found how the Asset Import feature works. However, I found it very painful to go for every game and provide the files in the directory structure as required by Asset Importer:  Example: titlename.txt, description.txt, publisher.txt and a lot more.

That would be much simpler if I could just copy the whole directory including .asset files from an existing Aurora instalation that already has all game covers to a new aurora installation, so this new installation does not need to connect to internet to download game covers again.

A temporary solution that I found is copying all aurora installation files to a new Xbox and them edit the database in order to change game paths to reflect the new installation. I found it less time consuming but I still think that copying .asset files instead of creating many .txt files is the way to go.

Am I missing something?  or the way I described above is a good path to quickly copy assets from an existing Aurora installation to a new one ?



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The .assets files contain only the image data, therefor you can't get all of it from there... however... we can probably make exporting features for you that lets you export a Aurora assets to the Asset Importer format/structure

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8 minutes ago, Swizzy said:

The .assets files contain only the image data, therefor you can't get all of it from there... however... we can probably make exporting features for you that lets you export a Aurora assets to the Asset Importer format/structure

Huumm I think that would be awesome !

If I could just click a buttom in Aurora and then all Aurora Assets, Game Descriptions, etc could be exported to Asset Importer format/structure, that would work very fine for my needs.

Should I add this request in the other thread in this forum where people can especifically suggest features to Aurora ?

Thanks a lot for the prompt reply. 

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Might be something i implement as a PC tool (similar to my Asset Editor or possibly even as a feature within it) rather then on console, or something that gets implemented as a utility scripts, it's not likely to be added as a specific Aurora feature...

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