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[LiNK] New & Updates Ideas for Future LiNK

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Here is my idea and what I would very much like to see for the future of LiNK. NOTE: Some of these pics is for when you are NOT playing a game, but you are on the Aurora dashboard. I am not 100% finished with all of these pictures. Please post any suggestions that you may have.



This picture here is "Player Search." On the Player Search tab, you can see all players/users who play on LiNK. When you are on the Player Search tab, it will show all players by default. What you would be able to do is either search for a specific player/user or you can scroll through all of them. You would also have the option to click on this button here called "Filter."



This is the "Filter" button. This Filter button allows you to...well, filter of course. LOL! You can either view all players (which is default) sort out by Friends, Recent Players (I'm not even sure if this is possible,) Lobby (In game only,) Language, and Region! (Region is just a thought. Not an official "would want" option.)



This is the "Region" selection. As stated above, it was just a thought, not an "official want."



This is the "Language" selection. The language selection is to sort out people who play on LiNK that speak the language you have selected. (All it does is SHOW the people who have that language set for their spoken language, NOT play with only those people! It will NOT boot people off a room!) The point of this is to find other people who speak the same language as you do. Then you could message them, friend request, etc. There will be other languages to choose from of course. There needs to be something that people will have to do. (Not sure how.) But, people will need to select what language they speak. (Not every time. It would be a one-time thing. Maybe on Aurora or Unity account settings?) What you do is select the language you speak, then when you are on the Xbox Guide for Player Search (or what ever the Devs decide to call it), you click the Filter button. Then so on, and so forth.



This is the "Messages." (Not sure what it should look like. I'll let the developers do that on their own.) But this is just a basic idea.


(EDIT) OK, so here is what I want for Messaging...For THIS Messaging, it should be individual messages that you receive. This would not be a "Chat Room." (The Chat Room is what the devs are making for when you are in a game. Or at least I believe so. That's fine, but I want to see messages that are sent to you and only you can see them.) There would also be no limit as to how many characters can be used for one message. (Then again I wouldn't want some random person spamming up my messages, LOL!) Now, I do believe that Chat Room the Devs are currently working on, has a set number of how many characters you can have for messaging.



These pictures here I'm still working on, and not sure how to finish them.


This one is what will happen when you select a player/user in Player Search. You will notice that there is no option above "Block Player." That is because I don't know what should go there. There is also an option on here called "Send Game Invite." The reason it is grey/white is because the only way I see it being possible is to be in the game that you are playing first, then you could send the Invite. When you do send an invite, it is basically a "Pre-made message." Example, I am playing on Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. One of my friends in online, he is on Aurora/a different game. I send him the invite. When he gets a notification, it would say something like "DustinWolfe117 Has Sent You A Game Invite." When my friend checks his messages, it will say what game I am playing, what game room I'm in, and possibly something else too. Then when he has finished reading it, he would go to CoD: BO2 and join the game room that I am in. When a player/user has been blocked, they CAN NOT join your room (A room that you have created NOT public rooms.) And you will not receive Message or Game Invites from that blocked person.



There is also a "Report Player" selection. It's the same thing as Room Ban, but you also select why you want to ban him/her from the room. I don't know what options there should be. If it is possible, when you ban someone from the room with a reason, the Devs get a notification on that player who has been banned and why. Nothing serious. Just letting them know who and why. But I guess if someone is banned for say, Vulgar Language, or Cheating, then you can ban that person for a longer period of time, rather than 1 or 2 hours.


Post your suggestions below. Please don't be hateful/mean, I have worked really hard on these pictures.

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Hello and greetings, I love the work, but my question is this, I have detected more games SystemLink (Heroes over Europe, Moto GP 07 Stromrise, Vin Diesel Wheelerman) and a few more games that are not on the lists www.Xboxunity.net of servers and I would be interested to know whether they will add to their game in online or if you are going to do a similar project that has been made with the Nintendo Wii to close the game servers officers Nintendo redirecting a patch to load games unofficial servers here I leave the information http://wiimmfi.de/


A greeting and thanks for everything

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Hello and greetings, I love the work, but my question is this, I have detected more games SystemLink (Heroes over Europe, Moto GP 07 Stromrise, Vin Diesel Wheelerman) and a few more games that are not on the lists www.Xboxunity.net of servers and I would be interested to know whether they will add to their game in online or if you are going to do a similar project that has been made with the Nintendo Wii to close the game servers officers Nintendo redirecting a patch to load games unofficial servers here I leave the information http://wiimmfi.de/


A greeting and thanks for everything

All that's needed is that someone supply a screenshot with the System Link option in the menu system of a game along with the TitleID and we'll enable LiNK for the game, if the game isn't there at all, supply the name of the game and TitleID and i'll add it :)

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