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[Tutorial Doc] Working with XUI-Animated Backgrounds & More

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This is a small 10ish page  :rofl:  .rtf document showing pretty much everything from opening/exporting/saving files and basic timeline/keyframe concepts for those that are new to the craft, to an animation example that is simple yet may spark some creativity in even the most experienced out there. I am by no means a pro but I have learned how to find my way around this program a bit over the years, "proper" or not I'm unsure because I don't personally know any pro's LOL,,but If even just one person learns something from this I will be happy to have passed on the knowledge :)
A sample of the first section zoomed out to see a bit more 
Video Clip Of Finished Skin Demo
Documents ending statement........

Please keep in mind that this is a very raw example to show a proof of concept and is only one tiny bit of what is possible with these animations, there are probably many ways you could even make this same scene work with various layouts, etc, this was just the quickest way I could show a decent example. From here it's up to the community to expand on this with any ideas or concepts they may have! 
Feel free to use this or any of my other shared skins to learn from and if you come up with other methods, implementations,etc , please share them as well, in this scene info is hard to come by and most of what your reading here took me many ,many hours of trial and error, research, looking at others work to learn (been at this since FSD1.2) I hope this may save some people that agony and get some great new designers involved, trust me when I tell you this can be an addictive hobby LOL!!  
My apologies if I have left anything out or if anything is confusing, I know the format could use some help , an index and all would be nice, but as I stated earlier I am not much of a teacher nor am I much of a writer of tutorials and such so if anyone would care to improve on this document please do, I will gladly share the original pics and other material ...please feel free to ask any questions you may have!


Kindest regards,
Please note: the .rtf document does expand to 61mb when extracted from archive, this is due to the large amount of pictures included so if your pc is an old dog like mine it may take a second for it to load in wordpad ;)
Tutorial Document
Working with XUI - Animated Background Visuals.rar 
Animated Bkg TUT_Skin.rar

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I joined just to say thank you for this tutorial. I spent so long trying to figure out the 'named frames' and how to make an animation loop.

This is fantastic information that has allowed me to implement the NXE 'rings' on the Xbox logo in my Aurora skin. Thanks again begallegal1


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