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My custom cover isn't showing up in xboxunity.net

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Hello, apparently I uploaded my custom cover in xbox unity for the game "Minecraft" as I want to use it for my jtag. Aurora only supports covers that come from xbox unity.net, so I couldn't put my custom cover into aurora directly. After making that cover, I learnt how to upload covers into xboxunity, then when I submitted it, it didn't show up into the website or my console. Why is that? 

Any answers given would be gladly appreaciated!

And just so if you guys are wondering, here is the custom cover I made:


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That is because someone needs to approve it.. seems I'm the only one still here.. I'll get to it soon. I've been inactive but only mods can approve them so no nudity or profanity etc can be posted.. for safety reasons 


edit: done

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Hey thanks for your response, I actually had no idea that it had to be approved by the mods, but your reason is understandable. Thank you for approving my cover, I really appreciate it! 

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Hello I don't know if you are still active but I made a cover for BIOLOGY BATTLE, sorry to add onto this post but it looks to be the same issue Ransu had. I'm attaching the image here also.


Biology Battle Final Cover Xorxfon.png

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