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Anas Fuitsu

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Everything posted by Anas Fuitsu

  1. Did not benefit all the roads with me I think that must be bought new router 'TP-LINK'
  2. i am trid fo thisi dont want now playing online
  3. thnx for helpbut am use router(wireless):(i will change ip wireless on xbox to
  4. i do this , and again failmy ip on FSD192.168.0.100 and not chang forever?!!!
  5. hii do everything , open all port on my router (1000,1001,1002,1003,7072,7073)but when i test connection on FSDPORT 1001 : FAILPORT 1003 :FAILI try other port and again FAIL what i do i need play online COD BO2
  6. Yes, I really appreciate it, I have several ideas, just wait for the answer is the founder of the "FSD"
  7. I developed some special additions that we used and I alone The amount sent letters to the director "fsd" to the agree with him, but so far did not respond to messages Outline my thoughts: Skype FACEBOOK Internet Browser ""will be called fuitsu " and more
  8. اعتذر منك ما اكدر اتوصل وياك غير عن طريق الموقع بس مثل ماكلتلك شو٠الÙديو وطبق الخطوات 100%
  9. شو٠هذه الÙديو وطبق الخطوات بالضبط وانشالله راح تنجح عندك الطريقة
  10. انت عراقي مثلي لهذا راح اكتبلك عربيههههه حبي استخدم هذه البوتات 1001- 1003لان هذه البورتات الي نستخدمها بالعراق انا استخدمها والعب اون لاينبعد ما تصير يمك كلها باس لاتنسى تساوي تايتل ابديت للعبة قبل ما تدخل
  11. New idea under development Is TRAILER display of the game Where you can view it directly from the list of games
  12. "If you are ignorant in computer science do not think that everyone is ignorant" I mean "url" messages is http://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?app=members&module=messaging&section=send&do=form Programmers do not deal with interfaces Interfaces are designed for regular users like you Programmed only deals with the "url" and "ip" and "commands" And I would like to remind you that the site is the language of "PHP" and not "C#"
  13. I'm tired Anyway thank you for the quick reply, Now I will go to sleep and tomorrow I send a message Thank you again We will become friends Goodnight
  14. Compose New Message Recipients [*]Recipient's Name [*]Other RecipientsYou may add up to 5 other recipients [*]Send to others as Invitation Copy Invitation allows all invited members to participate in a single conversation Copy will send a separate conversation to each member Message [*]Message Subject write "Jpizzle" on Recipient's Name ?
  15. send to me URL of website's messaging system
  16. Of course I read the comment at the top But I do not like the style to send a message and wait and wait and wait for a reply, and ultimately there is no response Haha I'm a some calves ^ _ ^ I can to work Azdfah but first he has to talk with someone developer and took initial idea of it and took some sources to start the project
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