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About Fanto

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    RMS Freshman

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  1. Hy all, I have a problem, recently updated to aurora 0.6b and my xblig/indie games doesn't start anymore. Once i launch the game, its shows me the XBOX LIVE INDIE SPLASH SCREEN and then i receive the a message "..... CODE 4" and sometimes this thing " http://imgur.com/a/aGjeF ". Dashlaunch v3.18 and kernel 2.0.17511.0, tried with fakelive on and off. I downloaded the xna title update again and still no solution. Please can someone please help me with this issue? Thank you in advance. Edit: Found the solution, Update to Dashboard Kernel 17511 and Avatar Update 17511.
  2. Looking for Red Dead Redemption players on System Link. Who is up for it ? Let me know .
  3. So i must get the the standard edition plus undeadnightmare and all the dlcs ? Can't use my GOTY edition with other players because TU(8) is built in an FSD(LINK) doesn't recognize it.
  4. Is there a way that i can play with others red dead redemption, me having the game of the year edition and them standard edition with individual dlcs, because their is a problem in RDR GOTY the title update (8) is built in and FDS3 shows me that i don't have any TU installed. Because of that i can't join other players with the latest title update (8). Is there a workaround something ???
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