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About LuBulegend

  • Rank
    RMS Freshman
  1. Finally, managed to upload http://netload.in/dateivcXRdi1bdL.htm Can you build the latest dash for me? Thanks a lot
  2. I tried to upload my nand but the shit connection kept getting errors.I used nand flasher 360 and I still got errors, it asked whether I chose dump system partion (64mb) or dump full nand(512), I chose full. My xbox is jasper 512mb. I don't know if I should choose dump partionEDIT: I just dump partion (16mb) and I still have bad block and the same message appears when I use the xeBuild: There was one or more while checking your settings, this usually means there is something very wrong with your nand.I'm so lost right now, can anyone help me? I'm very appreciated
  3. Can you give me a tutorial? Thanks a lot
  4. when I do step 4, this appears:Reading 0x21000000 Bytes (528 MiB)ERROR: reading block 1E9 status 250ERROR: reading block 50E status 250So is it safe to continue? My dash is 14699 and fsd 3.0b Rev402 version, dashlaunch 3.04 EDIT: When I open my flashdmp.bin, I have suggested motherboard : ERROR, suggested SMC: error, smc type: error.After I hit the generate hacked image, it shows a message:ERROR: There was one or more errors while checking your settings, this usually means there is something very wrong with your nand, disable failsafe to bypass this check.How can I continue? And my xbox is jasper 512 so which built type should I choose? Thanks a lot
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