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Everything posted by bessian

  1. Yes I've updated the kernel but there was the folder of old version dashlaunch and when i started it said 3.14 thats why i thought it wasnt updated. So I can delete the old version folder from my HDD ?
  2. No its not the latest version! I think it was 3.15 or 3.14 I've pasted dashlaunch 3.16 at HDD:\ and ran it using XEXMenu but it didn't prompt me to update Is there any guide how to reinstall because i think I've messed it all up... ?
  3. Can someon tell me how to delete and reinstall dashlaunch ? Because when I get the new version it doesnt prompt me to update. Is there something more than deleting it from hard drive and pasting it again ?
  4. The nanostation connects to a bigger antenna i don't know what it is I tried nating once and it didnt work( i've connected the xbox directly to the anetanna , i got internet but ports failed ) The nanostation connects to a POE ( its like an adapter of the antenna ) with a crossover cable, then another crossover cable comes out of that POE and connects to the router And i dont think that its just a repeater because it has many functions like port forwarding, the only problem is that my isp does not give me access to the antenna you can check a demo of the antenna software here EDIT: I've tried a new router and i think the antenna is the problem in the router the port gets forwarded, before there were no 3071 ad 3072 ports, but after i pressed test in Link and ports fail i got this:
  5. I've connectd the xbox directly to the nanostation but it didn't work, i think the ports are not open in the antenna... Im trying with vpn too but it doesn't work I connect network to my laptop direct from nanostation and connect with VPN (no router) and i give internet to xbox via wi-fi Xbox gets internet with VPN and has the VPN IP so everything is fine but it says TCP fail and UDP fail even with VPN, i've disabled Windows firewall to!! Any idea ? should i add other ports with VPN ?
  6. Yes i've bridged the connection but it didn't work, i had internet with vpn on my xbox but the ports were not open... Yes I could connect the nanostation with my xbox but i think the nanostation itself has a firewall and has not all ports open, but i'll try it in the weekend when i'm at home, and i try it with VPN too. Thanks
  7. I tried with the VPN too but it didn't work I've set up the VPN on my laptop and gave internet to the xbox with the cable, i got internet but the ports were not forwarded! I could connect the nanostation with the xbox via cable if you mean this by direct connection ? but i dont have access to the admin panel of the antenna. I think i could forward the ports in the antenna but as i said i don't have access Could the VPN solve my problem? i've got a paid one but i don't know if it has port forwarding if its needed!
  8. I have a problem because i can't forward ports I forward the ports on my router but i think the nanostation antenna is blocking the ports. I talked to the ISP but they said you need to pay for a public IP address to get port forwarding! I don't have access to the nanostation antenna to do the port forwarding by myself so is there anything other that i can do ? Here i have illustrated how mi xbox 360 is connected on the router and the router is connected via UTP cable to the Nanostation antenna and the antenna connects via long range wifi 5GHz to the ISP. Can i bypass the port forwarding or do something ?
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