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Everything posted by implomatico

  1. I do reflash with the option "Disable FCRT.bin check" checked and my console is an exception. Tested playing from DVD and now work like a charm. [emoji1]
  2. Yes I flashed it so I will flash again with that option checked. Any chances of doing something irreversible? #worried.
  3. XeBuild GUI says "Require FCRT.bin: False" so I have to do special patch and check "disable fcrt.bin check" option or I have to open my console to see my dvd drive and follows other instructions?
  4. I down here, because I realize that my box after upgrading is not reading the disc, (just a giant icon after I put some game) it's supposed to not yet or I made something wrong?
  5. How could I know if is a USB or a really internal and original drive? There is a easy way without open console?Corona as seen on dashlaunch: Board: Corona Flash: Corona Type: Glitch2 Kernel now: 2.0.17349.0 It's an super slim model.
  6. Work like a charm.It's weird because my Xbox really has 4GB of internal space. I Followed instructions for Xell GUI Corona 4g, generates an image of +/- 49mb making the "size" error while flashing nand, so I iguinored and made again but just setting imput/output and take cpukey by file that this program generates. Auto detected everything and generate the correct +/- 17mb image... I'm confusing something? Thank you for the solution anyway.
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