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Everything posted by BugReporter

  1. People are very aggressive around here. I was only trying to help get rid of some of the bugs of xebuild. If the help is not appreciated, then go on without it. Better some of the brawlers in this thread fill in.
  2. It is no matter of trust, i just do not want to share the console specific data with anybody. There is also no need to share the original dump to debug the tool. Just use xebuild (better use an older version) to create the desired jasper dump. This enables you to recreate the problems (admittedly not all) with xebuild 1.15. I checked this too.
  3. I would but, as you know, there is private information in the dump which i am not willing to share. These files need to be in the 17349 folder to build a jasper256 jtag image: A colleague tried to build a jasper glitch image and also got errors, so its independent of the image type. Surprisingly i and he could build a 16mb falcon glitch image like this: xebuild.exe -t glitch -c falcon -f 17349 -d mydata.falcon falcon-17349.bin There seems to be also a problem with the bad block remapping. For instance If i use the whole dump, including the 256mb flash storage, i get the following differences in the logfiles: The whole jasper dump has really only 2 bad blocks at 0x1a, 0x151. using the short dump (64mb): using the full dump: This behaviour makes no sense. I diffed the logfiles of old (1.14) and new (1.15) xebuild versions and got more strange differences: old: new: This is missing in the new log: Strangely this is output in the logfile if not using the workaround of manually extracting the files:
  4. This release (xeBuild v1.15.709) is most certainly faulty: Building a jasper256 image out of a nanddump throws the following error: extracted nanddump\xenonclatin.xtt (0x11b000 bytes) (crc32: 0x5cb33297 ini: 0xd5d17ff5) ******WARNING: 'xenonclatin.xtt' crc32: 0x5cb33297 expected: 0xd5d17ff5 ***** could not read file 'xenonclatin.xtt' ***** ******* ERROR: critical firmware file missing, cannot proceed! There has probably something gone wrong with the extraction routine. Former versions of xebuild can extract and check the file 'xenonclatin.xtt' OK. Manually extracting the file and putting it in the firmwarefolder '17349' will workaround this problem. Could the author please check and fix this issue?! xebuild is used like this: xebuild.exe -t jtag -c jasper256 -f 17349 -d mydata.jasper jasper-17349.bin
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