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About ozzman39

  • Rank
    RMS Freshman
  • Birthday 02/20/1984

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  1. Still for sale?? Do you use hangouts? Ozzman39@gmail.com
  2. Are these still up for sale? Do u use hangouts. ozzman39@gmail.com
  3. FakeAnim Hacked boot video made this when FakeAnim first came out the only one I use haven't really shared this one other then on YouTube thought you guys might like it please comment if you like it YouTube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUjLoPWPESg Download link http://www.mediafire.com/download/yl7tgag6w4e8er7/Fall+2010+hacked.wmv
  4. Awesome work guys will you be adding a file browser? or will we have to just use a 3rd party .xex sorry if this was already been asked
  5. I tried moving all setting completely and i still had the error
  6. Carona motherboard lastest version of fsd dashlaunch 3.10 Kernal 16537 Switched to Xell reloaded for Corona motherboard because the video wasn't displaying.though im not sure if it was or wasn't on there to begin with the rgh chip just might of not been hooking .after changing Xell im unable to login to a Live profile in FSD but if i go to the stock dash and click the (sign in or out) on the Dash I can. In FSD i can sign into normal profiles on the stock dash I cant sign into any with the home button i have to use the (sign in or out) on the dash then i can sign into any profiles. in fsd If you hit the home button i have the invalid execution id error on the bottom right but not on the stock dash. I still have the issues in the stock dash if I boot completely without FSD autologin config with a live profiles is a work around very specific odd error lol if need il make a video I set the profile to autologin it works but the invalid execution id is still there tried rolling back the kernal to 16203 along with the avatar update same issue plugged a diffrent hard drive into it formatted it installed avatar data same issue thought it might of been something on the HD also were talking about live profiles(gamertags) not signing into live just to be clear
  7. No lol Live profiles not live my gamertag is a live profile
  8. Very odd issue i can sign into normal profiles but not live in fsd on the stock dash i cant sign into any if i use the home button on the remote but if i use the (sign in or out)on the screen i can sign into any of them (so its a work around) im also getting the invalid execution id error on the bottom right in fsd the errors not there on the stock dash it just has the normal TU info this started happening when i recently re-flashed because i couldent see Xell so i re-flashed to fix it I have a Carona motherboard i also updated dashlaunch 3.10 so i tried reflashing the autoflash way with autogg and the new function in dashlaunch same problem so i rolled back to dashlaunch 3.09 also i tried a fsd 2.xxxx same issue tried booting the 360 with just the stock dash and it still has the profile issue if need i can make a video to better explain please help Carona motherboard lastest version of fsd dashlaunch 3.09 Kernal 16537 Update: I set the profile to autologin it works but the invalid execution id is still there Update: tried rolling back the kernal to 16203 along with the avatar update same issue Update 11/23/13: plugged a diffrent hard drive into it formatted it installed avatar data same issue thought it might of been something on the HD
  9. thanks one more question what is Game in the root when u connect? iv abousaly always seen it but what is it ? hijacked thread lol
  10. thanks one more question what is Game in the root when u connect? iv abousaly always seen it but what is it ?
  11. Hold Start + Press Back schreenshot in game on new 3.0.735 seems to be working fine but were does it put them i checked in fsd/data/schreenshots also in fsd/plugins/schreenshots nothing? were are they supposed to be going?
  12. well theres a 3 hour time difference 3 am there is 12 am here i dont get on to late cuz my g/f goes to bed early and i dont wanna wake her im on at various times
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