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Everything posted by Theanat

  1. I don't know what thumbdrive is ,which file should I remove ? and which programe should I use to make it connect my Xbox. or My USB isn't compatible with Xbox ??
  2. I tried to download grade and it's does not work . But now it's fine , I think the problem is all about the USB. I use "Transcend jetflash 350 32GB", and they said that Transcend USB not support. I don't know how to make it supports But my HHD Transcend 500GB work fine(I don't know why ?) Could you tell me how to make that USB 32gb work ?
  3. At first my all xbox USB ports works properly But after I update the version Dashboard to 17349 ( I used Xebuil v2.094 & follow the tutorial from these picture ) all the usb ports not detect to xbox . . I have format to Fat32 but still won't work . Could anybody help me please . T.T
  4. I have installed the TU and ii shown on screen,but I set it to active it does not have anything change !! Could you help me ?
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