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Everything posted by Yoti

  1. If you used even one line of GPL code in your program, it means that the entire program code must be available under the same (GPL) license. Otherwise, there is a violation of the law: stealing someone else's intellectual property. No self-respecting resource would condone this.
  2. If someone still has the "[APP] • AutoGG 0.9.4 _v8.7. • Kernel 17559 • FULL _v2.rar (757.34 MB)" file, please reupload it!
  3. Archive contains this license in the root of. So, it must be GPL and open source.
  4. Where I may get source code of TeamFSD.Freestyle3.0.775.7z?
  5. Where I may found source code of FSD3 that must be provided according to GPLv3?
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