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PSDev last won the day on August 8 2012

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About PSDev

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  1. The files in the download below are all from the 3.60 Core_OS and I decrypted using the 3.60 keys. The files that were unselfed were Also like to thanks naehrwert DOWNLAOD: 3.60 CORE_OS elf files
  2. PSDev

    3.60 keys

    The 3.60 PS3 FW keys were released late last night, anygame the was encrypted with them can be decrypted and 're-signed' for lower FW. Have fun have fun. here is a pre-done list from scetool.
  3. In this tutorial I will be running threw every tool and feature in PS3Tool GUI Edition latest version. The only tutorial was done in v1 which is very outdated and old. So lets jump right in. (I will not be going to SPU tool, or any oher formed tool that's not on main screen (That's another tutorial)). PS3 PUP Unpacker: Dev_flash tool: readself tool: Core_os tool: Fix Tar tool: SCE Info Tool: SFO reader Tool: RCO Tool: C2D tool: Bye, good luck using my tool, also to note after doing a operation it's recommended to close the program before doing another DOWNLOAD To latest version: Version 3.1
  4. E3 Team behind the E3 Flasher (Downgrading hardware, specially for Nor), has stated that they plan to release 're-signed' EBOOT.BIN's (A .SELF file) for 3.55 including the decryption keys so you can decrypt the EBOOT.BIN and 're-sign' it for any firmware lower than 3.55. They also were generous enough too include two more free EBOOT's. Here is their official statement quoted below:
  5. Or take the src, download eclips, then the Ndk and in the manifest fix for a small, medium, large or X-large screen. Also can add sd card storage here. Then compile (make sure your phone in usb debugging for detection.
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