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blakcat last won the day on March 4 2013

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About blakcat

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    AutoGG Dev

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  1. blakcat

    AutoGG 0.9.2

    Its Reloaded Mod that save cpukey to nand and Usb and few more addons
  2. blakcat

    AutoGG 0.9.2

  3. blakcat

    AutoGG 0.9.1

    AutoGG Do RGH&JTAG http://autogg.nexxzus.com/autogg/AutoGG_0.9.1.rar"]Download 0.9.1[/url] http://autogg.nexxzus.com/autogg/Tutorial_Autogg_English.pdf"]TUTORIAL (PDF)[/url] Changes: DESCRIPTION Thanks:
  4. Sure, take your dump (retail or rgh) , check temperatures are correct ,create 16203 xebuild and use usb raw flash using xell. For avatars create Usb with files and insert while on original dash. PLease report, thx
  5. Weird.Maybe you used a bad USB device, or something happened while flashing. If you upload logs i could take a look.
  6. Thanks for share results. So : Theres a conflict with Avast and new AutoUpdate Fsd-Lan feature. Avast doesnt let AutoGG to retrieve files from console (Lan-Ftp) and it causes Header Error when checking Dump. At this moment ,You can:Uninstall AvastRun AutoGG in Safe Mode (Dash Update but not Avatars Update)Use Usb AutoUpdate (Corona 4g not ready)Manual Lan Mode (All consoles):-Insert Usb Fat32 to console. And Click Ip-Xbox Read.If you have the Header Error insert Usb to Pc and load dump in folder Usb:MyAppsMyAppUSBflashdmp.bin with Autogg.-Create Xebuild -Insert again Usb to console and click Xebuild>>Ip-FlashI will try to fix Avast conflict.
  7. You can use classic Usb Avatars method
  8. First time you use Avatars-Fsd feature Autogg needs to download Update.exe , try Avatars in normal mode. I will think how to fix this.
  9. I saw you have Avast. There must be any conflict even disabled , all is working good but Autgg cant retrieve dump from console, Pc refuse connection.I dont know what to do with that.
  10. Where is error on Log? It seems CORRECT AutoGG reads Nand and check it, please tell me wheres the problem
  11. Me and betatesters cant reproduce your error, so i cant solve it. Pastebin log.
  12. AutoGG needs to installl Simple Nand Flasher and find it, if you have FSD AutoScan function OFF it will not find App. Switch it ON
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