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Posts posted by Swizzy

  1. 5 hours ago, mcchaddyboy1337 said:

    How can I get destiny to play, ive tried several times to trick the game into thinking its online, I just cant figure it out.  Please help :)

    Because Destiny is a online only game, you can't play it without a real connection... the game is essentially one half of the client only (it renders what you see and handle your inputs, the game itself runs on the server tho)

  2. 2 hours ago, Mattie said:

    the filters are fine, i'm going to assume that when the server crashed last month, something is missing from the api. aurora downloads a list of systemlink compatable title id's, if that fails, no games are supported. we will look into this

    Could be as simple as deleting the file in the plugins folder, it's worked in the past with similar issues :)

  3. 3 hours ago, KingJavo said:

    Thanks for the help.  How would recommend figuring out the default.xex file to learn how those "zip" files are being used?

    You'd use IDA Pro to read how the default.xex runs, and from there you might find that some of these "zip" files may contain code aswell that gets executed (but runs in a different format then the XEX)

  4. The advantage with a console is that you KNOW games will just run, they won't crash because of your antivirus/drivers, and it'll run the same for everyone (unlike on PC where different hardware specs may give you an advantage over others and vice versa or drivers causing the game to crash, even antivirus software does this)

  5. Sounds more like a issue with the bootanim.xex plugin if it's only happening when you believe the FSD plugin is loaded first, or are you loading that with Dashlaunch?

    Aurora loads the FSD Plugin otherwise during startup, it's not a separate entity unless you explicitly did that yourself which is the wrong way of loading it...

  6. 25 minutes ago, felida said:

    If op is using external, seems like they do not have hddalive option on lol

    hddalive only stops the drive from turning itself off when not in use, while playing a game or running Aurora the HDD shouldn't really be anywhere near inactive to have this issue (it's done by simply overwriting the file at the specified interval)

  7. 4 minutes ago, Amigaz said:


    What about loading times GOD vs Folder with game rip?


    Depends on the game, a game with many small files take a long time to rip to XEX and is fast as GOD while a game with few large files may be faster as XEX then GOD

  8. 11 hours ago, gavin_darkglider said:

    Try searching, I put an to date version of j-runner download link on this site, that works with windows 10. Swizzy released nand-x drivers that work with windows8/10 on this site also. ;)

    That'd just be a ready-to-go installer made using the installer generator found here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/libusb-win32/ there's nothing special about it other then having the VID/PID setup with a friendly name, i did the same for JR-Programmer :)

    The installer created self-signs the drivers during the install which allows them to run on Windows 7+ without having to disable driver signature enforcement

  9. Another possibility that i didn't mention in the PM you sent me is that on USB (external) you use FAT32, while on the internal you use XTAF, they're not the same and may have different path restrictions, i believe the maximum path on XTAF is 240 characters or something around there... that may be why it's not working from internal as XEX, if you use it as GOD it should work tho...

  10. 15 hours ago, millertime2325 said:

    Hi, would it be possible if each filter has its own coverflow?

    For example, I like the way the spines look of the 360 games, so the spine view works great. There are obviously no spines for the Xbox Live Arcade games, so I don't really like the way that looks. If possible, I would like to see the spine view for 360 and original xbox games, and front covers only for arcade games and homebrew.

    I don't think this is possible at the time, but just thought I'd ask. Maybe it could work in a future release.

    Thanks all!

    Use quickviews, they should be able to change both the coverflow layout and filters at the same time...

  11. 58 minutes ago, Idle Moment said:

    Thanks for the suggestions.

    Only the first disk is showing up in dash-launch. I will try increase the scan depth path to pick up both and let you guys know if that works.

    Will be great if the answer is that simple.

    I have a number of double-disk games already ripped and installed on my HDD in XEX. Would really prefer not having to redo everything in GOD format.

    On that note - I'm not even sure how to rip original disks to GOD - obviously its easy with an ISO image, but creating an ISO from an original disk isn't simple.

    Much easier to let Aroura/FSD just extract my games directly to XEX.

    Thanks for the help guys. Appreciate it.

    You can do a NXE install (via the original dashboard, followed by converting to GOD) or through the 0.6b installer utility script that converts it into a GOD container...

  12. 2 hours ago, husaination said:

    Hello guys,

    I have recently bought a modded Super Slim Xbox 360 and the guy at the store told me not to connect it to the internet no matter what or it will break the console and ruin it, I found that odd and not very logical, I went to him yesterday and told him that I didn't connect it to the internet and I looked online for something similar to what he said and I didn't find anything and he told me that he doesn't know but he wouldn't recommend it, so guys I want to ask you this is there any risk to connect my xbox to the internet? I don't want to play online or connect it to xbox live I just want to setup a new dashboard (Maybe Aurora) and use the ftp and connect x features, so I thought I should ask you first before going further with it.

    by the way he also told me that Freestyle Dash or any other dash would harm the console because they will be loaded on the hard all the time :D I really think he doesn't know what he's talking about but I also wanted a second and more informed opinion before doing anything and risk the life of a new bought xbox.


    thank you

    As long as you don't connect to Xbox Live and have atleast Liveblock enabled in dashlaunch, you are safe

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