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About gmorb

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  1. hi, ive manually extracted my xbox trinity nand by using an xgecu tl866ii plus. how can i write the ecc files to an extracted nand bin file using j-runner? im trying to avoid buying extra hardware, is this at all possible? i load up my source nand and select the correct options on xebuild section, when i click create Xell nothing happens. Update: I managed to figure out how to create the xell file (glitch.ecc) but how do I write it into the already extracted bin file? Update 2: so i guess the glitch.ecc file is just its own standalone nand file that is written before any real modifications are done to the xbox so after creating the ecc all i had to do is write it to the nand, i did name it image_00000000.ecc per some other thread i found. i dont think the name matters but whatever i did it anyways to be sure. I was able to load into xell and get the cpu key. Update 3: Everything went great! the xbox is now modded with rgh3, no need to buy any special programmer, just load the .ecc image version of your choosing from "\J-runner\common\xell-images\glitch2" create xeLL, go into "\J-runner\output" then program the glitch.ecc file to the nand to get your cpu key. after that you create donor and follow the instructions, that will create a updflash.bin for you to reprogram onto the nand and youre done! If you guys ever create a manual i hope you can add instructions on how to flash the nand for people who already have nand flash capable programmers. or make it more straight forward in the gui.
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